Wednesday, April 14, 2010

how to teach preschoolers about bankers

Some parents do give their children an allowance. The best pace to start with is explaining change. Each coin can have different colors, sizes and shapes. A teacher should help them recognize what a penny, quarter, fifty-cent piece, and a dollar look like. This can help them learn to add the change into a dollar. This will greatly help them expand their math skills.

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This can help them understand what bankers do. A teacher should explain a bank is something that holds people’s money for them. The banker is the person that is supposed to keep track of all the money. The banker helps give out the money that the people put into the bank. This can be explained through worksheets and videos. This can be a fun time for any child.

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A teacher should ask the school for permission for a field trip. This is important so children can see how the process works and how a banker does his or her job. This is important because if the teacher teaches properly, the child will want to save their money and go to the bank a lot more often.

If the school cannot pay for a field trip, the teacher can assign a small homework assignment that the parents have to take their child to the bank and help them assemble a list of questions. This is a good way to help the parents get involved in teaching their children. After the homework assignment is done, the teacher should have the whole class discuss the trip they took with their parents. This will help them gain knowledge and learn about new concepts of banking.

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There are fun games to teach the whole money aspect of the banking field. A teacher should explain that the bankers go to college to learn to be a banker. This will help the children to set a goal and get excited about school. The more the teacher motivates the child into learning everything they can about banking, the more interested a child will become. A way to help tie in the banking concept is chocolate coins for a snack.

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