Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to Survive First Year of Homeschooling

Making a list of all the reasons why you've decided to homeschool and all of the benefits that you believe can result from homeschooling is a helpful tool. There should be at least five answers on your list. While many families may have one overriding reason that cinched the decision for them, normally there are a combination of reasons and desired benefits. Keep this list handy for those days when you do start to ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?" Rereading your list can confirm your decision and motivate you to at least get through today.

Being Well Organized: A Time & Place for Everything

The Beginning of the School Year

This is key to any endeavor but can really make or break a homeschool family's success. Prepare for the year by creating a comfortable space. Organize all of the materials that you plan to use in your homeschool area. Decorate in some way as a family to make your homeschool work area an area everyone wants to be in. Executive MBA Programs

There are many, many items you may wish to have in your homeschool area, but a clock to help you stay on schedule is a must and you'll want to invest in an electric pencil sharpener. There is nothing worse than having 500 pencils that are either new or broken and wasting time getting pencils sharpened.


Organizing a homeschool area isn't something happens just once. Each week we include homeschool area cleaning as part of our schedule on Friday. It's a time to put away anything that we missed putting away. A time to file older work and hang up new efforts. It's also a time to empty trash, dust desks and vacuum all around. This way we can all begin our school day on Monday with a clean homeschool environment.


At the end of each month, we go a little deeper than the Friday homeschool cleaning. This is a time to make an inventory of supplies. Does anyone need new pencils, crayons, writing paper or glue? Is anyone still using these books, this abacus or the globe? If not, should these go on a top shelf and what needs to come down now?

To celebrate our in-depth cleaning and organizing, we re-decorate our homeschool area according to seasons and interest such a taking down the "Under the Sea" theme and creating an "Apple Orchard' theme is inviting to us all.

Be Flexible: Think Outside of the Desk

Your supplies are all there and your homeschool work area is a pleasant learning environment and while many school assignments need to be done at a desk, it is good for everyone to leave the desks occasionally. I am not talking about field trips or playing outside, which are both important, but rather finding those "sweet spots" for learning. After all, one of the great advantages of homeschooling is the ability to be flexible and adventurous. Part Time MBA Programs

Consider these examples:

Can you practice naming the states and capitals on a hike?

Can you read in a hammock or a porch rocker?

Can you work on phonics or alphabetical order on the swings?

Can you play a Spanish word matching game on a blanket under a tree?

Sometimes a change of scenery can be both motivating and relaxing too.

Don't Go It Alone: Connect With Other Homeschool Families

The power of empathy is amazing. Another homeschool parent is more likely to understand your fears or struggles. They may be able to offer some useful tips but even just sharing is helpful. Whether you join an organized group or get together informally for play time, a joint P.E. class or a field trip, both the kids and the teachers will have a chance to connect.

Another way to get inspiration and know that you're not alone is to purchase books written by other homeschooling families. These books mean you can call on other homeschoolers for wisdom or encouragement at any moment.

Be organized, be flexible, stay connected and keep that list of reasons why you chose to homeschool handy. These tips for new homeschoolers will help you to not only survive, but thrive through out your first year of homeschooling.

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