Friday, September 10, 2010

Megalithic World - Exploring the World of Megaliths

A megalith is a term used to describe structures erected for ceremonial, astronomical, and religious purposes, and as monuments. Megalith building dates back to at least 5000 B.C. Many of the more famous megaliths were constructed between then and 1500 B.C.

These structures were built without the use of modern machinery, or even horses. The design of these structures strong mathematical and architectural skills for design and erection. Many megaliths served as sophisticated solar and lunar calendars, as well as for astronomical observations. Megaliths have been found all over the world. Faithful Mate for Women

There are five categories of megaliths. The first category is alignments, meaning stones placed in rows and other shapes other than circular. The second category were used as burial chambers and are underground chambers by a mound of some kind. Another category is monoliths, also called menhirs, made of single standing stones. Monument memorials built to gods or community leaders is another category. The last category is stone circles.

Some monoliths are formed naturally and gain mythical importance. In the Australian desert is one such example, Uluru. Also called Ayres Rock, this is the largest monolith in the world. It continues for more than three miles below the surface.

Stonehenge : Stonehenge is probably the most famous megalith in the world. It is between 4,000 and 5,000 years old and was built by the Neolithic people of Britain. Building it probably took 30 million hours of labor. Some of the stones used in the structure came from 240 miles away. Its exact use is unknown, but it is theorized that it was used as a temple or a graveyard. Simple astronomy was studied here. It is actually aligned with the place the sun rises on the summer solstice. Regain Your Virginity

The Newgrange Passage Tomb : Located in Ireland, the Newgrange tomb was probably built in 3,200 B.C., making it older than both Stonehenge and the pyramids in Egypt. A long passageway leads into a large chamber. On the winter solstice, light enters a roof box and lights the entire chamber. The large stone surrounding and inside the tombs are decorated with Megalithic art, including spirals, concentric circles, triangles, and other images.

Easter Island : Easter Island, one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world, has a series of over 900 giant statues erected over a span of 500 years. According to local folklore, these maoi are spirits of powerful ancestors. Once the center of ancestral worship, these giants are built on platforms called ahu. universities in india

Megaliths have captured our imagination. There have been several fantastical explanations for how they were built. Did the local people learn how to leviate rocks? Are they the product of UFO’s? Probably not, but there is still much to learn about these prehistoric structures and the societies that built them.

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