Saturday, July 3, 2010

Best online resources for homeschool music education

Students attending private and public schools are able to participate in extended learning programs outside of their core studies classes. The most common extended studies are in the arts, particularly music. For home school students, these programs are not always readily available but there are many resources available to provide a solid music education. There are websites that offer great learning opportunities, the option of field trips, computer programs, and private lessons.


Many websites exist that offer great learning opportunities for students receiving and education at home. One website with fantastic resources is Classicsforkids. This website offers weekly radio recorded lessons about composers, instruments, songs, etc. and gives the option to print a worksheet that goes with the lesson for the day/week. onlinedegrees.indiaedumart that offers complete information about online degree courses and various types of online programs. It even offers past shows so that you can use those in your curriculum. Other websites include; MakingMusicFun, The San Francisco Orchestra (, Pianonanny (this site allows you to take piano lessons on the net), and DSOkids.

Field Trips

An advantage of homeschooling is being able to take more field trips for extra learning opportunities. Taking a field trip to an orchestra performance offers a great learning experience. Also, there are meet the orchestra events that can be arranged where students would get to actually talk to, interact, and “meet” the instruments. online associate degree

Computer Programs

Another great option for providing a home music curriculum is using computer programs. There are several programs that offer anything from general music concepts, to “how to” play specific instruments. Programs available are; MyGuitar, Jazz for Young People, Music Ace, Classical Kids- Teaching Edition, and Sibelius Instruments.

Private Lessons

Private lessons are always a great option for providing students with a solid music education. Students can not only take private lessons to learn a specific instrument, but also in music theory, and even music composition. Although private lessons would be ideal, they are still sometimes costly but there are still other options. You can search your area for local nonprofit groups that offer lessons or call your local college or university to see if there are any students in music pedagogy classes that need to teach lessons to students to get credit in their class. online masters degrees

If you are home schooling and are looking to put together a music curriculum, all of the above are great options. By combining all the above categories, the success of your student’s music education is sure to be attained.

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