Monday, May 3, 2010

Best all-night snacks for college students

All-nighters are far from uncommon for college students. When you are working or playing into the wee hours of the night, then you might get hungry. Of course, you could munch on that pizza from last week that seems to be okay as long as you pick off that mystery spot. However, there are much better choices. The following are some of the best all-night snacks for college students.


Fruit is a wonderful snack. It is good for your body, with many types containing cancer-fighting antioxidants. Many of them are very sweet, which can appeal to young taste buds. Many types are also inexpensive, such as a bunch of bananas. A lot of them are easy to eat or snack on such as a banana, apple and grapes. You do not really need to do much to prepare them, which is very good for college students. There are many different types, which are appropriate for many different taste buds. They also have many dried fruits such as raisins, dried cranberries and dried blueberries.


Cereal can be a great snack for a student. There is nothing to say that it has to be a breakfast only meal. It is relatively inexpensive and filling. Also, there are many different types for people who like different things. You might want to look for the ones that are healthier and do not have a lot of added sugar such as Cheerios.


Popcorn is a great meal to snack on, as long as you get the healthier versions. One that is cooked in unhealthy oil and soaked in butter isn’t the greatest, however there are many different types that are very low in calories and fat. This can be good because you might be able to eat a lot of it if you have the “munchies” but not get a lot of calories or fat. You will find many different brands that you can conveniently pop in your microwave, which many people have in college.

Healthy snack foods

There are many snack foods that are healthier than the standard potato chips. There are different things that are vegetable based. You can often find these snacks if you go to the health food store or aisle.

When pulling an all-nighter, a college student might enjoy a great snack. There are many items that are healthy, delicious and easy to put together. Consider the above snacks when making your decision.

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