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Online aviation degrees offer you the flexibility of earning your degree at your own pace and convenience at your home. Online aviation degrees educate you with the same career training as you would get through a regular college class. Just sit on computer connected with the internet and use online resources and video provided by your college and university. Online aviation degrees also let you tailor your aviation program to give you the career training you need for your career in aviation as a pilot or a mechanic. Online aviation degrees also offer you the time and flexibility to get the needed work experience and internships while completing your online degree program. Online aviation degree programs cost lower than the regular one. It saves both your time and money.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Secret Eating Habits Of Skinny Girls
Zoe eats a piece of cake before every meal, only exercises 15-20 minutes a day, and drinks a cup of hot chocolate before bed every night, she’s 29 and has weighed 110lbs for the last decade. “So how does she do it?” When you ask a skinny girl how she maintains her size they will never give you a straight answer. Why? Because it’s not a diet or exercise routine they’ve recently started, it is a lifestyle choice.
Here are the top 10 secret eating habits that all skinny girls know:
1. Desserts are a part of life.
Yes, it is a God given right of every female alive to have chocolate. If you eat your dessert before your meal you will eat less of other things and consume less calories than if you ate a full plate and a dessert. ayurveda in india
2.Feed it to the cat.
Regardless of what your mother once said it is not required to clean your plate at every meal to be healthy. Though veggies are good for you if you are full it is alright to stop eating and fill Fluffy’s bowl with the leftovers.
3.Mom was right.
OK, mom was spot on with this one, eat your veggies. Did you ever notice that the people who always eat salad before a meal always have leftovers, too. So eat a salad and eat those veggies and fruits on your plate with every meal first.
4.Size does matter.
Portion size that is. If your eating at home you can just follow the serving size, but eating out you learn to ‘eyeball it.’ For instance a serving of meat should be the size of the palm of your hand. Dried fruit or nuts should be about the size of a Golf ball or large egg. Ice cream about the size of a tennis ball. A serving of cheese is about six dice. A good idea is to keep abreast of the USDA’s MyPyramid Food Guidance System. massage therapy training
5.Like Subway said, “Eat Fresh!”
When choosing what to eat, it’s always better to go with fresh rather than fried or sugared version.
When it comes to meat look for grilled or broiled rather than fried. When it comes to juice always choose 100% juice over juice cocktail. Veggies and fruit are always better fresh. Does that mean no fast food? Of course they eat fast food , but they know their limits, trying to keep it down to twice per month or stick to the healthier choices available.
6. Get Moving.
No matter what they plan to eat that day every skinny girls plans to exercise one hour,(30 minutes in the morning and 30 at night), and even though they don’t accomplish that much they take every opportunity available to move around. Like parking farther back from the store rather than waiting for the closest space. Or playing music while doing chores to “let your body groove to the music.” It’s an active way of life that becomes habitual: walk, dance, move!
7. Cereal rocks.
Eating breakfast is a necessity of everyday. And even if they don’t sit for a rousing meal they all eat it. A breakfast bar on busy days and a bowl of Crunch Berries on the weekend. Ayurveda Massage
8.Pig out time comes everyday.
Lunch time is your calorie time! That’s right, you can eat whatever you want at lunch. Why? Because you burn the most calories after that meal. Dinner time eating smaller is ideal because you sleep on those calories.
9.Love the water weight.
Skinny girls drink water. Yes, they drink other things like tea and coffee, but always in addition to H2O. There’s always a water bottle somewhere to meet those 8-10 glass requirements a day. They crave water, not cola! That’s because carbonated drinks cause you to hold an extra 3-5llbs a week every time you drink one, (that’s the bad water weight). Skinny starts by drinking less sweet drinks, and replacing them with water. Juice is good too, but not too much.
10. They’re heavy drinkers.
The signal for hunger that the brain sends is so similar to the signal for thirst, that people often eat when they are just thirsty. But being in the habit of drinking a glass of water causes less unnecessary eating and burns more fat. Thus speeding up the metabolism.
This is a self-motivated lifestyle choice, to be healthy and stay skinny is a privilege not a right. Every skinny girl you meet may not tell you how she stays thin, but just like Zoe, she knows that if it’s worth having it’s worth working for. The secret of skinny girls, they move, hydrate, eat salad, and love chocolate, now that’s living. But, don’t forget it’s secret.
Here are the top 10 secret eating habits that all skinny girls know:
1. Desserts are a part of life.
Yes, it is a God given right of every female alive to have chocolate. If you eat your dessert before your meal you will eat less of other things and consume less calories than if you ate a full plate and a dessert. ayurveda in india
2.Feed it to the cat.
Regardless of what your mother once said it is not required to clean your plate at every meal to be healthy. Though veggies are good for you if you are full it is alright to stop eating and fill Fluffy’s bowl with the leftovers.
3.Mom was right.
OK, mom was spot on with this one, eat your veggies. Did you ever notice that the people who always eat salad before a meal always have leftovers, too. So eat a salad and eat those veggies and fruits on your plate with every meal first.
4.Size does matter.
Portion size that is. If your eating at home you can just follow the serving size, but eating out you learn to ‘eyeball it.’ For instance a serving of meat should be the size of the palm of your hand. Dried fruit or nuts should be about the size of a Golf ball or large egg. Ice cream about the size of a tennis ball. A serving of cheese is about six dice. A good idea is to keep abreast of the USDA’s MyPyramid Food Guidance System. massage therapy training
5.Like Subway said, “Eat Fresh!”
When choosing what to eat, it’s always better to go with fresh rather than fried or sugared version.
When it comes to meat look for grilled or broiled rather than fried. When it comes to juice always choose 100% juice over juice cocktail. Veggies and fruit are always better fresh. Does that mean no fast food? Of course they eat fast food , but they know their limits, trying to keep it down to twice per month or stick to the healthier choices available.
6. Get Moving.
No matter what they plan to eat that day every skinny girls plans to exercise one hour,(30 minutes in the morning and 30 at night), and even though they don’t accomplish that much they take every opportunity available to move around. Like parking farther back from the store rather than waiting for the closest space. Or playing music while doing chores to “let your body groove to the music.” It’s an active way of life that becomes habitual: walk, dance, move!
7. Cereal rocks.
Eating breakfast is a necessity of everyday. And even if they don’t sit for a rousing meal they all eat it. A breakfast bar on busy days and a bowl of Crunch Berries on the weekend. Ayurveda Massage
8.Pig out time comes everyday.
Lunch time is your calorie time! That’s right, you can eat whatever you want at lunch. Why? Because you burn the most calories after that meal. Dinner time eating smaller is ideal because you sleep on those calories.
9.Love the water weight.
Skinny girls drink water. Yes, they drink other things like tea and coffee, but always in addition to H2O. There’s always a water bottle somewhere to meet those 8-10 glass requirements a day. They crave water, not cola! That’s because carbonated drinks cause you to hold an extra 3-5llbs a week every time you drink one, (that’s the bad water weight). Skinny starts by drinking less sweet drinks, and replacing them with water. Juice is good too, but not too much.
10. They’re heavy drinkers.
The signal for hunger that the brain sends is so similar to the signal for thirst, that people often eat when they are just thirsty. But being in the habit of drinking a glass of water causes less unnecessary eating and burns more fat. Thus speeding up the metabolism.
This is a self-motivated lifestyle choice, to be healthy and stay skinny is a privilege not a right. Every skinny girl you meet may not tell you how she stays thin, but just like Zoe, she knows that if it’s worth having it’s worth working for. The secret of skinny girls, they move, hydrate, eat salad, and love chocolate, now that’s living. But, don’t forget it’s secret.
Fun Ways To Burn Off Christmas Dinner Calories
With Christmas quickly approaching, many start worrying about how much weight they are going to gain over the holiday season. It doesn’t have to be a time for weight gain, because there are many fun ways to burn off those Christmas dinner calories.
In the electronic age we live in and the technology that has been applied to video games, the Wii is a fun system to have. It has games and sports to get people off the couch and moving. Depending on how many people are interested, teams could be set up for some friendly competition. The Wii Fit has balance games, aerobics, yoga and cardio activities. It is fun to challenge each other to see who can jump further or get a faster time.
Another way to burn those calories is to bundle up and go for a walk. For those living in a town or city, a walk around to look at the Christmas lights is always a fun activity. Not only does it get you moving, it is also a wonderful thing to do with the family. Don’t limit yourself to just walking after Christmas dinner, make it part of your routine and you will benefit even more. A walk not only helps you lose weight, it is also a good way to maintain a healthy weight.
For those who have the wide open space of a farm or acreage, make a path around the perimeter of the yard. This is a safer place to walk than along the roadside, and mini paths may be made to branch off it. Having a marked path will keep you from getting lost if you choose to walk in the dark, as will most likely be the case. The minimal hours of daylight should not hinder your ability to go for a walk after dinner. A walk in daylight hours may lead to seeing wildlife in their natural habitat.
Another fun way to rid yourself of the calories from Christmas dinner is to find a hill and go tobogganing. For an extra workout, leave the snowmobiles and quads at home and pull the toboggan up the hill manually. It makes the ride down so much more worth it!
Skating, ice hockey or road hockey are also fun ways to burn those calories. For anyone living in the country, clearing a space on the grass or at the end of the drive makes for the perfect place to set up an ice rink. If you have a pond within walking distance, clear the snow and set up the nets. When skating on ponds always make sure the ice is thick enough. first!
If the weather is too cold for the outdoor activities, there are also games that can be played inside. For those with a large area in the basement, a makeshift hockey rink may be set up. Games such as bowling, floor curling, pool, shuffleboard or even ping pong can be set up in a bigger area. A long hallway is perfect for bowling or floor curling, as they do not require a wide area. Beanbag toss or darts can also be played in a hallway or on one side of a room. With the magnetic dartboards on the market today, there is no danger of someone getting stabbed or the worry of holes being put in the walls.
For anyone serious about not letting the calories consumed at Christmas dinner get the better of them, the above activities will help burn them. And remember, these activities are not limited to just the holiday season. It is good to implement a regular exercise regime year round. The activities can change with the seasons, so don’t make any more excuses and start burning those calories today.
In the electronic age we live in and the technology that has been applied to video games, the Wii is a fun system to have. It has games and sports to get people off the couch and moving. Depending on how many people are interested, teams could be set up for some friendly competition. The Wii Fit has balance games, aerobics, yoga and cardio activities. It is fun to challenge each other to see who can jump further or get a faster time.
Another way to burn those calories is to bundle up and go for a walk. For those living in a town or city, a walk around to look at the Christmas lights is always a fun activity. Not only does it get you moving, it is also a wonderful thing to do with the family. Don’t limit yourself to just walking after Christmas dinner, make it part of your routine and you will benefit even more. A walk not only helps you lose weight, it is also a good way to maintain a healthy weight.
For those who have the wide open space of a farm or acreage, make a path around the perimeter of the yard. This is a safer place to walk than along the roadside, and mini paths may be made to branch off it. Having a marked path will keep you from getting lost if you choose to walk in the dark, as will most likely be the case. The minimal hours of daylight should not hinder your ability to go for a walk after dinner. A walk in daylight hours may lead to seeing wildlife in their natural habitat.
Another fun way to rid yourself of the calories from Christmas dinner is to find a hill and go tobogganing. For an extra workout, leave the snowmobiles and quads at home and pull the toboggan up the hill manually. It makes the ride down so much more worth it!
Skating, ice hockey or road hockey are also fun ways to burn those calories. For anyone living in the country, clearing a space on the grass or at the end of the drive makes for the perfect place to set up an ice rink. If you have a pond within walking distance, clear the snow and set up the nets. When skating on ponds always make sure the ice is thick enough. first!
If the weather is too cold for the outdoor activities, there are also games that can be played inside. For those with a large area in the basement, a makeshift hockey rink may be set up. Games such as bowling, floor curling, pool, shuffleboard or even ping pong can be set up in a bigger area. A long hallway is perfect for bowling or floor curling, as they do not require a wide area. Beanbag toss or darts can also be played in a hallway or on one side of a room. With the magnetic dartboards on the market today, there is no danger of someone getting stabbed or the worry of holes being put in the walls.
For anyone serious about not letting the calories consumed at Christmas dinner get the better of them, the above activities will help burn them. And remember, these activities are not limited to just the holiday season. It is good to implement a regular exercise regime year round. The activities can change with the seasons, so don’t make any more excuses and start burning those calories today.
Why Weight Watchers is not Considered a Diet
One of the major differences between Weight Watchers and other diets is that it is often promoted as a lifestyle instead of a diet. This is for many different reasons, and it can be a key as to why this diet is often successful and sustainable while many others fail rapidly. The following are reasons why Weight Watchers is not considered a diet. health education programs
It is more sustainable than other diets
With some diets, people figure that they will do it for a time to lose the weight and then they will stop it. Obviously, this does not usually work because typically when you stop the diet the weight comes back on just as quickly as your lost it. Weight Watchers promotes making a lifestyle change to eat healthier that you will continue. Basically you are learning a new, healthier way to eat that will bring you down in weight and then keep you there through maintenance. They do not want you to think of it as your diet that you are doing now, but as your new way of eating that is good and will not only take the weight off, but keep it off.
It is not meant to deprive you
With certain diets, you go on it knowing that you will feel deprived. Many of the relatively ineffective fad diets will even cut out entire food groups from your diet. People might feel like they are going to be deprived but feel that it is worth it in order to lose the weight. Weight Watchers has a different strategy. With the way they have it set up, you do not have to cut out an entire food group. They allow you to mix and match food so that you can eat something not as healthy if you make up for it by eating other healthier things otherwise. They do not want you to feel like you can’t have something and are just always craving it. When this happens, as it does with many of the fad diets, many people fail in their diets because they give in to their cravings, often even going on binges. health education degrees
Diets can have a negative connotation
Weight Watchers does not want the negative feelings that surround the word “diet.” Eating healthy and in moderation is not meant to be a “bad” diet but a “good” lifestyle. They want it to be a positive thing. It is to be a new way of eating in which you eat in moderation but you can still enjoy different types of food and even unhealthy food in small amounts.
It is more sustainable than other diets
With some diets, people figure that they will do it for a time to lose the weight and then they will stop it. Obviously, this does not usually work because typically when you stop the diet the weight comes back on just as quickly as your lost it. Weight Watchers promotes making a lifestyle change to eat healthier that you will continue. Basically you are learning a new, healthier way to eat that will bring you down in weight and then keep you there through maintenance. They do not want you to think of it as your diet that you are doing now, but as your new way of eating that is good and will not only take the weight off, but keep it off.
It is not meant to deprive you
With certain diets, you go on it knowing that you will feel deprived. Many of the relatively ineffective fad diets will even cut out entire food groups from your diet. People might feel like they are going to be deprived but feel that it is worth it in order to lose the weight. Weight Watchers has a different strategy. With the way they have it set up, you do not have to cut out an entire food group. They allow you to mix and match food so that you can eat something not as healthy if you make up for it by eating other healthier things otherwise. They do not want you to feel like you can’t have something and are just always craving it. When this happens, as it does with many of the fad diets, many people fail in their diets because they give in to their cravings, often even going on binges. health education degrees
Diets can have a negative connotation
Weight Watchers does not want the negative feelings that surround the word “diet.” Eating healthy and in moderation is not meant to be a “bad” diet but a “good” lifestyle. They want it to be a positive thing. It is to be a new way of eating in which you eat in moderation but you can still enjoy different types of food and even unhealthy food in small amounts.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Distance Education Universities with Their Curriculum
Distance education in India has got enormous popularity. Distance education in India is governed by the Distance Education Council, constituted under the Indira Gandhi National Open University Act (1985). Distance education is offered through the regular system, and the open system. The qualification requirements for enrollment in distance education courses are similar to those prescribed for the normal university courses in the regular system. In the open system, distance education courses are open to everyone who may not have any formal qualifications. But some universities ask candidates to attain the age of 18 years for under-gradate and diploma courses and 21 years for postgraduate courses. Enrollment in some distance education courses is based on the performance in the written examination.
Distance education is offered by three types of institutions like Departments of Correspondence Courses in universities and university level institutions, Open Universities exclusively involved in imparting higher education through the distance mode, and a large number of private institutions mostly offering professional courses. Distance education degrees are given to those candidates who have completed their distance education at graduate level, postgraduate level, doctorate level and many certificate, diploma and postgraduate diploma. Distance education is offered by distance education colleges as the study centers of open universities.
There are a large number of distance education universities which are offering distance education courses in India. Some of universities offering distance education in India are;
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University,
Karnataka State Open University,
Nalanda Open University,
Netaji Subhas Open University,
Kota Open University,
Vardhman Mahaveer Open University,
UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University,
Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University,
Tamil Nadu Open University,
Yashwant Rao Chavan Open University,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University,
Ahmedabad, Pt. Sunderlal Sharma OpenUniversity,
Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal Open University
K K Handique State University.
There are many benefits of distance education. It costs lower than regular. The job market is very competitive and the best jobs go to persons possessing mandatory qualifications. In various organizations, promotions of employees depend on the possession of higher qualifications. The distance education courses offer them opportunities to improve their educational qualifications without leaving their current job. Distance education is helpful to those students who live in remote areas and not able to get admitted into regular courses due to high cut offs of eminent colleges and institutes. Distance education is very helpful to housewives, who can utilize their precious leisure time to improve their educational qualifications and employment probable. Any one whether they are working professionals, students or housewives can complete their choice of course without going outside. Study materials are sent to the candidates by post. Most of universities offering distance education courses have their study centers in cities of India. They arrange tutorial classes on weekends at their study centers for their candidates.
Distance education is offered by three types of institutions like Departments of Correspondence Courses in universities and university level institutions, Open Universities exclusively involved in imparting higher education through the distance mode, and a large number of private institutions mostly offering professional courses. Distance education degrees are given to those candidates who have completed their distance education at graduate level, postgraduate level, doctorate level and many certificate, diploma and postgraduate diploma. Distance education is offered by distance education colleges as the study centers of open universities.
There are a large number of distance education universities which are offering distance education courses in India. Some of universities offering distance education in India are;
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University,
Karnataka State Open University,
Nalanda Open University,
Netaji Subhas Open University,
Kota Open University,
Vardhman Mahaveer Open University,
UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University,
Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University,
Tamil Nadu Open University,
Yashwant Rao Chavan Open University,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University,
Ahmedabad, Pt. Sunderlal Sharma OpenUniversity,
Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal Open University
K K Handique State University.
There are many benefits of distance education. It costs lower than regular. The job market is very competitive and the best jobs go to persons possessing mandatory qualifications. In various organizations, promotions of employees depend on the possession of higher qualifications. The distance education courses offer them opportunities to improve their educational qualifications without leaving their current job. Distance education is helpful to those students who live in remote areas and not able to get admitted into regular courses due to high cut offs of eminent colleges and institutes. Distance education is very helpful to housewives, who can utilize their precious leisure time to improve their educational qualifications and employment probable. Any one whether they are working professionals, students or housewives can complete their choice of course without going outside. Study materials are sent to the candidates by post. Most of universities offering distance education courses have their study centers in cities of India. They arrange tutorial classes on weekends at their study centers for their candidates.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Pamela Anderson After Baywatch Is now in BIG BOSS
Pamela Anderson one of the sizzling and hottest personality of world looking her way towards Big Boss house in india, to participate in a reality show. Pamela Anderson of “Baywatch” stepping towards Big Boss for 3 days where she shares her precious time and some experience of life with other house members of Big Boss. While discussing with newspapers and magazines she ends her meeting while greeting journalists with a namaste. All this depicts her excitement to be member of BIG BOSS house. career horoscopes
In India, she likes cuisines and mixed culture, as per her words she shared with magazine people that she loved vegetarian food in India like paneer tikka, which was quite spicy along with hot tea. In her words she also mentioned that she is really exciting to participate in world known house of BIG BOSS.
For her it is not only an excuse to come in india but also giving an chance to experience home environment of an Indian culture. Meeting people, visiting different areas, experiencing cultures and creating awareness are some of the mentioned points by famous Pamela Anderson during meeting. health education programs
In the end it is one of the biggest promotional activity done by any of the Indian reality shows in an Indian history and this is all may be because of VODAFONE that’s one sponsor of BIG BOSS. Pamela Anderson's popularity remains undiminished here. During her visit, she was stopped by people at the immigration department for nearly 20 minutes where she posed for photographs and give autographs in order to register her beautiful and memorable image among Indian people.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
What is keyword research
What is keyword research? There is a lot of important stuff to go with answering that question, so I will go fast. A keyword is a word or phrase that will help a page rank in organic search results on search engine results pages (like Google). Therefore a keyword is your best –free- way to get your site noticed.
♦ Keywords and SEO
For now there are lots of ways to get a site ranked. This process of doing the little things to get a site ranking well on Google (ignore the rest-everyone else does) is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). One of the major parts of SEO is using keywords with the proper frequency and placement. Of course before you need to know how to use them you need to know the answer to our question, “what is keyword research”. So, let’s get on with it:
♦ What is Keyword Research?
•What is desirable in keywords?
Keyword research is trying to find keyword popularity research that a page will be able to rank on well. The first desire is for decent and beatable competition on the first page of Google results. The second desire is to have a decent amount of daily traffic looking for the specific keywords you want to use. The third desire is that those keywords are based on ideas (niches) where people want to BUY things. b schools in india
•How do you do keyword research?
There are many ways to go about doing it. Everyone has their own favorite tools here are some of the best keyword research tool:
Wordtracker: This tool lets you look up keywords and find out how popular they are. Check out the competition search to see how touch your competition may be. It has a ton of options and it is wonderful for finding those great keywords. It is a pay product, but it does have a free trial.
Google Adwords: Simply put it is THE free tool for keyword research. There are others that complement it, but nothing free comes close. Diverse Management Classes
Market Samurai: My personal Favorite. It is another free one. –A 30 day free trial too- Go to the “dojo” and watch the videos (free). It teaches a ton about keyword research and some about using Market Samurai. It is a very cool tool that will do everything you want except wash your dishes.
♦ Keywords and SEO
For now there are lots of ways to get a site ranked. This process of doing the little things to get a site ranking well on Google (ignore the rest-everyone else does) is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). One of the major parts of SEO is using keywords with the proper frequency and placement. Of course before you need to know how to use them you need to know the answer to our question, “what is keyword research”. So, let’s get on with it:
♦ What is Keyword Research?
•What is desirable in keywords?
Keyword research is trying to find keyword popularity research that a page will be able to rank on well. The first desire is for decent and beatable competition on the first page of Google results. The second desire is to have a decent amount of daily traffic looking for the specific keywords you want to use. The third desire is that those keywords are based on ideas (niches) where people want to BUY things. b schools in india
•How do you do keyword research?
There are many ways to go about doing it. Everyone has their own favorite tools here are some of the best keyword research tool:
Wordtracker: This tool lets you look up keywords and find out how popular they are. Check out the competition search to see how touch your competition may be. It has a ton of options and it is wonderful for finding those great keywords. It is a pay product, but it does have a free trial.
Google Adwords: Simply put it is THE free tool for keyword research. There are others that complement it, but nothing free comes close. Diverse Management Classes
Market Samurai: My personal Favorite. It is another free one. –A 30 day free trial too- Go to the “dojo” and watch the videos (free). It teaches a ton about keyword research and some about using Market Samurai. It is a very cool tool that will do everything you want except wash your dishes.
Best for-profit colleges in the US
The reasons are obvious: convenience, innovative online courses, lower cost (usually), and the ability to earn the desired degree or certificate more quickly. However, evidence has emerged that many of these for-profit institutions are doing a poor job of educating their students - and an even worse job of helping them to land that all-important first job in their chosen field.
So, how do you separate the wheat from the chaff when there are nearly 3,000 for-profit colleges operating in the U.S.? Frankly, you should go with the largest of the institutions because they have built superior track records of service and they have the resources to equip their schools with the right technology to make the courses relevant for students' career goals. Here is a short rundown of the largest for-profit colleges and their specialties.
Also, keep in mind that none of these institutions have perfect records. The entire industry is under scrutiny from the U.S. Department of Education and the Governmental Accounting Office for alleged abuse of students, who were encouraged to take out immense loans for worthless educational programs. So, stay tuned, because a shakeout in the industry might be coming in 2011.
Carrington College (formerly Apollo College, not to be confused with Apollo Group, which owns University of Phoenix). Based in Phoenix, Carrington offers an extensive array of healthcare-related courses at 10 campuses in the West. It offers various certifications for dental hygienists, medical lab technicians, physical therapists, and similar professions. Its track record is pretty good in those areas, and, of course, jobs are relatively plentiful in those fields. In 2010, it started an online program to enable people to complete bachelor's degrees, but it's too early to judge the quality of the program. scholarships in india
ITT Educational Services, Inc, or "ESI" for short. This is one of the largest programs in the country, with 38 "campuses" and an extensive online course curriculum. ITT Ed has a ridiculous number of courses, but its deepest array of offerings are in technical fields, which is where it got its start. These are courses like electronics, industrial automation, and computer design - the types of things that are now expected for many blue-collar jobs. ITT offers both certifications and bachelor's degrees, and it's probably necessary to get the bachelor's in order to land a job. For people who have work and who are seeking upgrade their skills, individual courses and certification programs can be an excellent choice.
Corinthian Colleges. This massive operation actually operates under three different "brand" names (yes, it calls its colleges "brands."). Overall, Corinthian says it has more than 110,000 students. Corinthian's great strength is in healthcare, and it also has a huge number of industrial engineering courses (engine design, auto/truck/motorcycle repair, etc.). To take the best advantage of these courses, it's crucial to be able to go onsite to a Corinthian campus, because the school has state-of-the-art training equipment; doing it online just isn't the same.
Education Management Corp. For students who want to get into the arts - either as artists or in arts management - Education Management Corp. is the leader. It has developed or purchased a series of small, specialized arts institutions that provide classes in painting, sculpture, computer art, etc., as well as fashion, cooking, and hospitality management. Given the trends in the U.S. away from manufacturing jobs, it's easy to see why EDMC offerings have made it the 2nd-largest for-profit educator in the country (nearly 140,000 students). The big caution here is that jobs in many of these fields are very hard to find, and it's not clear that a degree or a certificate is necessary anyway; it's often more about talent and hard work. universities in india
Kaplan. Owned by the Washington Post newspaper, Kaplan is familiar to many high schoolers through its SAT preparation courses. Kaplan has branched out to become one of the leading for-profit educators across the spectrum. Kaplan does't go for the technical training; it's trying to capture the types of students who would go to traditional colleges, but either feel they are too old or don't have the option to go full-time. Kaplan's degress include things like psychology, communications, and human services, and it even has an online law school,
University of Phoenix. The largest and best-known of the for-profit colleges, University of Phoenix has made its mark with innovative online courses and webinars (although it also has more than 200 campus sites nationwide). It's impossible to summarize the range of courses available to the school's 150,000 or more students, but suffice it to say that University of Phoenix aims heavily at people who want to advance their current careers with additional business and technology and continuing education courses. While the University goes all the way up the ladder to Ph.D. programs, it's really best for the more immediate goals of shorter programs. Because it's the best-known program and pays better wages, the Universit of Phoenix typically gets better professors. This is a crucial factor in a program, as those professors can potentially provide job advice and even job leads.
So, how do you separate the wheat from the chaff when there are nearly 3,000 for-profit colleges operating in the U.S.? Frankly, you should go with the largest of the institutions because they have built superior track records of service and they have the resources to equip their schools with the right technology to make the courses relevant for students' career goals. Here is a short rundown of the largest for-profit colleges and their specialties.
Also, keep in mind that none of these institutions have perfect records. The entire industry is under scrutiny from the U.S. Department of Education and the Governmental Accounting Office for alleged abuse of students, who were encouraged to take out immense loans for worthless educational programs. So, stay tuned, because a shakeout in the industry might be coming in 2011.
Carrington College (formerly Apollo College, not to be confused with Apollo Group, which owns University of Phoenix). Based in Phoenix, Carrington offers an extensive array of healthcare-related courses at 10 campuses in the West. It offers various certifications for dental hygienists, medical lab technicians, physical therapists, and similar professions. Its track record is pretty good in those areas, and, of course, jobs are relatively plentiful in those fields. In 2010, it started an online program to enable people to complete bachelor's degrees, but it's too early to judge the quality of the program. scholarships in india
ITT Educational Services, Inc, or "ESI" for short. This is one of the largest programs in the country, with 38 "campuses" and an extensive online course curriculum. ITT Ed has a ridiculous number of courses, but its deepest array of offerings are in technical fields, which is where it got its start. These are courses like electronics, industrial automation, and computer design - the types of things that are now expected for many blue-collar jobs. ITT offers both certifications and bachelor's degrees, and it's probably necessary to get the bachelor's in order to land a job. For people who have work and who are seeking upgrade their skills, individual courses and certification programs can be an excellent choice.
Corinthian Colleges. This massive operation actually operates under three different "brand" names (yes, it calls its colleges "brands."). Overall, Corinthian says it has more than 110,000 students. Corinthian's great strength is in healthcare, and it also has a huge number of industrial engineering courses (engine design, auto/truck/motorcycle repair, etc.). To take the best advantage of these courses, it's crucial to be able to go onsite to a Corinthian campus, because the school has state-of-the-art training equipment; doing it online just isn't the same.
Education Management Corp. For students who want to get into the arts - either as artists or in arts management - Education Management Corp. is the leader. It has developed or purchased a series of small, specialized arts institutions that provide classes in painting, sculpture, computer art, etc., as well as fashion, cooking, and hospitality management. Given the trends in the U.S. away from manufacturing jobs, it's easy to see why EDMC offerings have made it the 2nd-largest for-profit educator in the country (nearly 140,000 students). The big caution here is that jobs in many of these fields are very hard to find, and it's not clear that a degree or a certificate is necessary anyway; it's often more about talent and hard work. universities in india
Kaplan. Owned by the Washington Post newspaper, Kaplan is familiar to many high schoolers through its SAT preparation courses. Kaplan has branched out to become one of the leading for-profit educators across the spectrum. Kaplan does't go for the technical training; it's trying to capture the types of students who would go to traditional colleges, but either feel they are too old or don't have the option to go full-time. Kaplan's degress include things like psychology, communications, and human services, and it even has an online law school,
University of Phoenix. The largest and best-known of the for-profit colleges, University of Phoenix has made its mark with innovative online courses and webinars (although it also has more than 200 campus sites nationwide). It's impossible to summarize the range of courses available to the school's 150,000 or more students, but suffice it to say that University of Phoenix aims heavily at people who want to advance their current careers with additional business and technology and continuing education courses. While the University goes all the way up the ladder to Ph.D. programs, it's really best for the more immediate goals of shorter programs. Because it's the best-known program and pays better wages, the Universit of Phoenix typically gets better professors. This is a crucial factor in a program, as those professors can potentially provide job advice and even job leads.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Competitive Intelligence Gathering for Business Purposes
In business the more you know about your competition, the more effectively you can respond to any actions made by them. I compare the business world to a war. When you know the actions of the enemy you are able to respond to it effectively or even catch them off guard by making an unexpected assault at them. Just like in a war, intelligence is crucial to knowing the actions of your enemy. The more that you know about your competition the more likely you are going to be able to make critical decisions that will allow you to compete.
The method in which you gather competitive intelligence information is completely different from one type of business to another. This makes it incredibly difficult to make a blanket statement on how to generally obtain intelligence on the competition. The method of attainment is also going to change depending upon the type of information you are trying to obtain.
Probably the easiest method of obtaining competitive intelligence in business, about your competition is to simply call them. It is amazing how much information the secretary will give you about the company. If you are looking to gain information about their pricing, their products, and other information that is somewhat available anyway, then this method can be quite effective. If they have a storefront you could easily walk into their store and look over things this way as well. In fact, many will take small cameras into a store location so that they can take pictures of the different products, in store marketing, and layout. All of these things can have a major impact on the success of a business and it is important to know these things.
Sometimes the basic information just isn't enough. For this reason many businesses will install an insider to obtain further information about the company. This is typically done by having a loyal get a job with the competitor. By doing this you can discover information about training. You can learn about their computer systems. You can even learn about the different strategies that the company has in the near future. The loyal would know what types of information they are looking for and would attempt to listen carefully so they can get this information. They would then report back to explain the details. Depending upon their position they could even have access to customer lists, product information, pricing, and a variety of other details that could be competitive secrets.
Also, having someone on the inside can allow you to obtain information on marketing details for the company. If you know when your competition is having a sale and know how they are promoting it, you can run a promotion the same day that is slightly better ultimately taking some of the thunder away from your competition. Imagine seeing a commercial advertising 10% off everything and you put out a commercial advertising 15% off everything. Those interested are most likely going to take advantage of the 15% off. This would be a huge coup.
Another way that you can obtain information about your competition in an outside sales environment is by inviting them to your house. For example, if you own a pool company and want more information about your competitive intelligence jobs, have them come over and give quotes. By doing this you can hear more about their presentation. You can find out about how they price things out. You can even ask questions that could get the employee to give you far more information than they realize.
While many say that competitive intelligence can be running the line of what is ethical and what isn't, sometimes in business you have to do what is necessary to take the competitive edge. The only way to do this is to know what your competition is up to and find a way to strike first.
The method in which you gather competitive intelligence information is completely different from one type of business to another. This makes it incredibly difficult to make a blanket statement on how to generally obtain intelligence on the competition. The method of attainment is also going to change depending upon the type of information you are trying to obtain.
Probably the easiest method of obtaining competitive intelligence in business, about your competition is to simply call them. It is amazing how much information the secretary will give you about the company. If you are looking to gain information about their pricing, their products, and other information that is somewhat available anyway, then this method can be quite effective. If they have a storefront you could easily walk into their store and look over things this way as well. In fact, many will take small cameras into a store location so that they can take pictures of the different products, in store marketing, and layout. All of these things can have a major impact on the success of a business and it is important to know these things.
Sometimes the basic information just isn't enough. For this reason many businesses will install an insider to obtain further information about the company. This is typically done by having a loyal get a job with the competitor. By doing this you can discover information about training. You can learn about their computer systems. You can even learn about the different strategies that the company has in the near future. The loyal would know what types of information they are looking for and would attempt to listen carefully so they can get this information. They would then report back to explain the details. Depending upon their position they could even have access to customer lists, product information, pricing, and a variety of other details that could be competitive secrets.
Also, having someone on the inside can allow you to obtain information on marketing details for the company. If you know when your competition is having a sale and know how they are promoting it, you can run a promotion the same day that is slightly better ultimately taking some of the thunder away from your competition. Imagine seeing a commercial advertising 10% off everything and you put out a commercial advertising 15% off everything. Those interested are most likely going to take advantage of the 15% off. This would be a huge coup.
Another way that you can obtain information about your competition in an outside sales environment is by inviting them to your house. For example, if you own a pool company and want more information about your competitive intelligence jobs, have them come over and give quotes. By doing this you can hear more about their presentation. You can find out about how they price things out. You can even ask questions that could get the employee to give you far more information than they realize.
While many say that competitive intelligence can be running the line of what is ethical and what isn't, sometimes in business you have to do what is necessary to take the competitive edge. The only way to do this is to know what your competition is up to and find a way to strike first.
Online Business Ideas Despite Economic Turmoil
The internet is here to stay and if anything it will gradually become more and more ingrained into everyday life. With cheaper broadband connections and free internet access incentives even the higher end sites are becoming accessible to wider ranges of users. If you set yourself up with an online business you will be in an expanding market for the long term. A major drawing factor with online business is the fact that you can set up and start earning money with absolutely no financial investment and only as much time and effort as you have the opportunity and willingness for. Most smaller internet operations are running on very low or nonexistent budgets. Unlike a traditional business you don't have to think about big sums of money, shop floor rent, wages and a start date. You can start right now without parting with any money at all.
In order to establish an online business you need to have something to offer a potential customer base. This could be a skill base, knowledge base or product. We all have at least one of these things. Due to the massive amounts of people online combined with the power of search engines virtually anything you do can be marketed to and found by your target audience. For example if you have experience of raising children you might create a web-site full of tips, information and advice. This site could then contain products such as clothes and blankets. If you did not want to create your own products you might feature products on the site and earn a cut each time something is sold via a link which hooks up with an affiliate program.
You could branch out by establishing profiles on MySpace, twitter, face book and Live Journal. You might build article and product bases on,, Associated or caf press and link all these profiles into your site. Keep the content you create central to your main area of sales and you will boost traffic and resultant sales. If you don't want to pay for a site you can set up a blog, bolster it with Google ads and use it to promote products. These could be products you make, that other people make or that you have made and uploaded to sites which will sell them for you.
The internet is an ideal earning environment because all skills which have a potential audience have the potential to make money. With so many different people online all aware of how to find the content they want there is an audience for almost everything. The internet is a huge sales market but you don't necessarily need to have a product to be part of that. You can use your skills and knowledge to get in on some of the action. An online business can be set up so efficiently and at such low cost that you would easily be able to manage a modest business alongside your current employment. Build up your online earnings and your knowledge of how to earn on the net and then if disaster ever strikes and you lose your job you can immediately start pumping all your hours into your business. In this way an online business can work as a back up mode of employment. There is an audience of millions online and you will have some, if not many, things to offer them. You can set yourself up to provide a service or product at little or no cost and generate income in line with your own time and financial restraints. Far from being held back by the economic turmoil now is the ideal time to get started.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Obstacles to creating an unschooling atmosphere
Unschooling. It's a buzz word. We've heard about it on USA Today. We've heard it associated with whole foods, the hippie movement, and anarchy - but for those of us who have chosen unschooling as a way to parent our children, we see the concept as a way of life.
As we move our brood toward unschooling or immerse ourselves in the teachings of John Holt and Sandra Dodd, many of us find that there are more obstacles to overcome than we first thought. It's not as easy as it looked on the pages of that RV family's blog.
Obstacle 1: You, yourself, and you.
This is the toughest nut to crack for most of us. As a former public school student and former public school teacher, thinking outside of the schooling box has been nigh unto impossible. What about my child's "reading level"? How will he or she "score" on the SAT and other competitive exams? How will I "teach" math?
The first way around this foreboding obstacle is to start over. De-school. Begin the process now. Stop thinking about teachers and reading levels and standardized tests and start thinking about your child as a natural learner. Start thinking about all of the skills necessary for life as things that are tangible - think back on your toddler as he or she learned to walk. Your baby as she learned to crawl. Your son as he counted on his fingers and learned which color matched which word. School was not necessary. Questions, curiosity - these are the tools of learning. It is our job to present our children with a fascinating world in which to live. The learning is up to them.
Obstacle 2: Your "classroom".
While the world is truly the classroom of the unschooling family, the home of the unschooling family has got to be an exciting part of that world. We see unschool families portrayed as junk food eating, TV junkies who sit around all day starting at the boob tube and playing video games while munching on hot wings and potato chips and going to bed at 2AM. There is unschooling, and there is neglect.
Neglect is allowing your child to do whatever they want in an environment that looks just like that of a child who goes to school. Unschooling is providing an rich educational environment in your own home.
This might mean you can't have those red leather couches or that breakable antique vase. It means that you might need to save up for aquariums, terrariums, bookshelves, and puzzles. A microscope might replace that antique vase. You'll need to invest in park passes and interesting magazines and maybe a personal computer for each kid. You'll need to strew math puzzles and video games and documentaries and tickets to the museum opening. Instead of checking out, the unschooling mom and dad have to check IN. Use your local library and make friends with some lab technicians. Get your child's brain ticking by making your home an exciting place to be and each day an exciting adventure. Life does not have to be boring. Learning does not have to be fact-dumping and multiple choice tests and hand-raising for potty breaks - but YOU, the parent, have to be willing to invest the time to make the change.
3. The others.
You know who I mean. Your mother-in-law. Your mother! Your other mom friends. The homeschool playgroup. The waitress at the restaurant asking "shouldn't you be in school?" to your eight year old as she peruses the menu. The dad who asks why your kid can't read yet when he hands out baseball uniform shirts. They create a huge obstacle to a conducive unschooling environment.
Know your rights. Know what the law says about radical homeschooling options. Be ready to tell anyone who asks just what your legal rights are in choosing your child's education.
Know why you're doing what you're doing. Have positive responses to all those negative comments. Keep records of your child's achievements in a huge binder to show off. Take note of the things your child can do vs. the things the traditionally schooled child can do and be ready and armed with those things when questioned.
Find other unschoolers. Maybe none live near you. Join a blog community. Attend an unschooling conference. Join an unschooling forum. Make your voice heard and ban together with like-minded parents.
Be pro-active. Live your own passions. Hug your kid. The obstacles may be mighty, but truth in experience is a powerful antidote.
As we move our brood toward unschooling or immerse ourselves in the teachings of John Holt and Sandra Dodd, many of us find that there are more obstacles to overcome than we first thought. It's not as easy as it looked on the pages of that RV family's blog.
Obstacle 1: You, yourself, and you.
This is the toughest nut to crack for most of us. As a former public school student and former public school teacher, thinking outside of the schooling box has been nigh unto impossible. What about my child's "reading level"? How will he or she "score" on the SAT and other competitive exams? How will I "teach" math?
The first way around this foreboding obstacle is to start over. De-school. Begin the process now. Stop thinking about teachers and reading levels and standardized tests and start thinking about your child as a natural learner. Start thinking about all of the skills necessary for life as things that are tangible - think back on your toddler as he or she learned to walk. Your baby as she learned to crawl. Your son as he counted on his fingers and learned which color matched which word. School was not necessary. Questions, curiosity - these are the tools of learning. It is our job to present our children with a fascinating world in which to live. The learning is up to them.
Obstacle 2: Your "classroom".
While the world is truly the classroom of the unschooling family, the home of the unschooling family has got to be an exciting part of that world. We see unschool families portrayed as junk food eating, TV junkies who sit around all day starting at the boob tube and playing video games while munching on hot wings and potato chips and going to bed at 2AM. There is unschooling, and there is neglect.
Neglect is allowing your child to do whatever they want in an environment that looks just like that of a child who goes to school. Unschooling is providing an rich educational environment in your own home.
This might mean you can't have those red leather couches or that breakable antique vase. It means that you might need to save up for aquariums, terrariums, bookshelves, and puzzles. A microscope might replace that antique vase. You'll need to invest in park passes and interesting magazines and maybe a personal computer for each kid. You'll need to strew math puzzles and video games and documentaries and tickets to the museum opening. Instead of checking out, the unschooling mom and dad have to check IN. Use your local library and make friends with some lab technicians. Get your child's brain ticking by making your home an exciting place to be and each day an exciting adventure. Life does not have to be boring. Learning does not have to be fact-dumping and multiple choice tests and hand-raising for potty breaks - but YOU, the parent, have to be willing to invest the time to make the change.
3. The others.
You know who I mean. Your mother-in-law. Your mother! Your other mom friends. The homeschool playgroup. The waitress at the restaurant asking "shouldn't you be in school?" to your eight year old as she peruses the menu. The dad who asks why your kid can't read yet when he hands out baseball uniform shirts. They create a huge obstacle to a conducive unschooling environment.
Know your rights. Know what the law says about radical homeschooling options. Be ready to tell anyone who asks just what your legal rights are in choosing your child's education.
Know why you're doing what you're doing. Have positive responses to all those negative comments. Keep records of your child's achievements in a huge binder to show off. Take note of the things your child can do vs. the things the traditionally schooled child can do and be ready and armed with those things when questioned.
Find other unschoolers. Maybe none live near you. Join a blog community. Attend an unschooling conference. Join an unschooling forum. Make your voice heard and ban together with like-minded parents.
Be pro-active. Live your own passions. Hug your kid. The obstacles may be mighty, but truth in experience is a powerful antidote.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Alternative scheduling options at the secondary level
Adolescents have natural need for more sleep than younger children have and are involved in sports and employment that make time demands. Sometimes it becomes hard for them to attend school during a set schedule. The recommendation has been to alternate the start times between elementary students and secondary students, but that does not help the students who are involved in employment. Many secondary students have employment to help their family or to finance their automobile and dating needs. Without flexibility, these students might not graduate.
Online Education
Secondary students online can take many classes online. The students can take them during the usual time of the high school in the area or at a time that meets there attention span or employment or sports schedule. Many students need to take classes online because health concerns prevent them from attending open classes for long periods.
The presidential election brought this situation to the limelight when Vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin explained her daughter's boyfriend was taking classes online so he could participate in an apprentice program on the pipeline. He later left the apprentice program because he was not entitled to be in the apprentice program without a high school diploma. Her daughter took classes online as well because of her pregnancy. There are many others ways to deal with the attention, health and employment needs of students.
Scheduling the Day
Many schools have added two alternative periods in the day. The traditional class schedule is hour 1-6, but there is now a zero and a seventh and some have added an 8th. The 0 hour starts an hour prior to the day started. Many involved in spring sports find the addition of a 0 hour prevents them from being away from the class while traveling to sport events.
Many alternatives exist for secondary students. Other schools offer a night school program that starts the hour that the traditional school ends. The aim for these classes is the students who must work to support their families. Pasco Washington School District offered night school as a way to provide education for the students who must work in the fields to support their families. Many of the migrant students found this as a means to graduate. Alternative high schools allow students to following an alternative schedule or even work at their own pace.
As the population is the country changes, the school system must change as well. With an open mind, the needs of all students wanting an education can occur.
Online Education
Secondary students online can take many classes online. The students can take them during the usual time of the high school in the area or at a time that meets there attention span or employment or sports schedule. Many students need to take classes online because health concerns prevent them from attending open classes for long periods.
The presidential election brought this situation to the limelight when Vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin explained her daughter's boyfriend was taking classes online so he could participate in an apprentice program on the pipeline. He later left the apprentice program because he was not entitled to be in the apprentice program without a high school diploma. Her daughter took classes online as well because of her pregnancy. There are many others ways to deal with the attention, health and employment needs of students.
Scheduling the Day
Many schools have added two alternative periods in the day. The traditional class schedule is hour 1-6, but there is now a zero and a seventh and some have added an 8th. The 0 hour starts an hour prior to the day started. Many involved in spring sports find the addition of a 0 hour prevents them from being away from the class while traveling to sport events.
Many alternatives exist for secondary students. Other schools offer a night school program that starts the hour that the traditional school ends. The aim for these classes is the students who must work to support their families. Pasco Washington School District offered night school as a way to provide education for the students who must work in the fields to support their families. Many of the migrant students found this as a means to graduate. Alternative high schools allow students to following an alternative schedule or even work at their own pace.
As the population is the country changes, the school system must change as well. With an open mind, the needs of all students wanting an education can occur.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Feedback on Assignments
Asking for, and receiving, feedback on college assignments is a very important part of a student's progress through college. Without feedback, it is hard to pinpoint exactly where you are going wrong so that you can ensure it doesn't happen again. However, there are a number of reasons why students don't ask for feedback on assignments.
*Too busy
This could refer to either the student or the professor, or both. Students often lurch from one assignment to another; trying to fit it all in alongside a social life can be very stressful. Professors are also busy people and may be difficult to pin down to a meeting. As a result, students end up relying on a few scribbled notes on their assignment that don't really help them understand where they are going wrong. If prepared, it shouldn't take you long to say what you need to say and it will be worth it in the end. online education
*Afraid of negative feedback on college assignments
You may have already received a grade, or you may just suspect that your assignment isn't up to scratch. Either way, you are afraid of asking for feedback because you know it is going to be negative. However, this is the most important time to ask for feedback. It is only through mistakes that you learn how to improve; there is little doubt that if you are criticized for doing something wrong, you won't make the same mistake again. In any case, you may find the feedback isn't as negative as you suspected.
*Unsure how to ask
Aware that your professor is a very busy person, you may be unsure how to ask them for their feedback. Certainly, if you are not organized, you could get a very confusing reply. However, provided that you sit down, think about exactly what it is you want to know and then how to word it, you should be able to find out what you need. If you don't, you can always try asking another professor or member of staff for clarification.
*Unhelpful feedback in the past
You may have asked for feedback in the past, only to have received confusing or conflicting information, or possibly very little information at all. This is bound to put you off asking for help again. However, it is worth thinking about where you may have gone wrong in asking for feedback the last time. Alternatively, you should think about asking someone else for their feedback. If your questions aren't topic-specific, you will almost certainly be able to find someone more helpful. online degree courses
*Fear of looking stupid
Many students are scared of asking for advice or feedback, because they are afraid of asking something that they ought to know and that possibly everyone else already knows. In this case, you may not want to ask in public, but you could still make a personal appointment with your professor. Alternatively, you could get together with classmates, find out if you really are the only one who doesn't already know the answer, and approach your professor together.
When it comes to asking for feedback, don't be hesitant. Even if the feedback is negative, or makes you feel stupid, you will learn from it - and that is far more important that sitting back and not doing anything.
*Too busy
This could refer to either the student or the professor, or both. Students often lurch from one assignment to another; trying to fit it all in alongside a social life can be very stressful. Professors are also busy people and may be difficult to pin down to a meeting. As a result, students end up relying on a few scribbled notes on their assignment that don't really help them understand where they are going wrong. If prepared, it shouldn't take you long to say what you need to say and it will be worth it in the end. online education
*Afraid of negative feedback on college assignments
You may have already received a grade, or you may just suspect that your assignment isn't up to scratch. Either way, you are afraid of asking for feedback because you know it is going to be negative. However, this is the most important time to ask for feedback. It is only through mistakes that you learn how to improve; there is little doubt that if you are criticized for doing something wrong, you won't make the same mistake again. In any case, you may find the feedback isn't as negative as you suspected.
*Unsure how to ask
Aware that your professor is a very busy person, you may be unsure how to ask them for their feedback. Certainly, if you are not organized, you could get a very confusing reply. However, provided that you sit down, think about exactly what it is you want to know and then how to word it, you should be able to find out what you need. If you don't, you can always try asking another professor or member of staff for clarification.
*Unhelpful feedback in the past
You may have asked for feedback in the past, only to have received confusing or conflicting information, or possibly very little information at all. This is bound to put you off asking for help again. However, it is worth thinking about where you may have gone wrong in asking for feedback the last time. Alternatively, you should think about asking someone else for their feedback. If your questions aren't topic-specific, you will almost certainly be able to find someone more helpful. online degree courses
*Fear of looking stupid
Many students are scared of asking for advice or feedback, because they are afraid of asking something that they ought to know and that possibly everyone else already knows. In this case, you may not want to ask in public, but you could still make a personal appointment with your professor. Alternatively, you could get together with classmates, find out if you really are the only one who doesn't already know the answer, and approach your professor together.
When it comes to asking for feedback, don't be hesitant. Even if the feedback is negative, or makes you feel stupid, you will learn from it - and that is far more important that sitting back and not doing anything.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Be Substitute Teacher in Florida
No matter where you live in Florida, the tedious process of job hunting while searching through your local classifieds or searching popular job websites such as career builder or monster is not particularly fun. However, in your search you might come across an eye-catching post detailing “Full-Time Substitute Teacher Opening”. As you circle or save the text, you consider that this might be the employment or career opportunity that you have been looking for.
However, you may want to keep in mind that every state has a different requirement which need to be fulfilled in order to qualify for the position opening. If you happen to live in the state of Florida, you might be wondering what exactly the requirements are. how to snake hunt
What are the requirements in the state of Florida? Are the requirements the same requirements as a teacher? Does a Substitute Teacher position require a college degree? Do I need any technical training for this type of job? And if I have all of the necessary requirements, what do I need to do in order to score an interview?
In the state of Florida, there is a state mandated Substitute Teacher course which is a possible primary requirement for Substitute Teaching. Depending on what county you live in, course requirements, educational requirements, and experience may vary.
One of the most common basic requirements is usually a completed Substitute Teacher certification course. Some counties in the state of Florida offer these courses directly through the local school board at various locations or even offer online course which will save you money and time. career options
A Substitute Teacher is not required to hold a bachelor’s degree in Education, however some school board districts in the state of Florida are asking that you possess a minimum of 60 college credits equivalent to an Associate’s Degree and hold 2.5-3.0 GPA on your official college transcripts. Educational and training requirement information specific to your county school board can be found at your local school board’s district office or at the official website.
Now that you have discovered whether you hold the necessary requirements in order to successfully submit your application, there may be a few additional tasks that you will need to complete such as an oral and written communications exam, criminal background check, fingerprints, and processing fees. Please check with your local school board office for these additional requirements.
However, you may want to keep in mind that every state has a different requirement which need to be fulfilled in order to qualify for the position opening. If you happen to live in the state of Florida, you might be wondering what exactly the requirements are. how to snake hunt
What are the requirements in the state of Florida? Are the requirements the same requirements as a teacher? Does a Substitute Teacher position require a college degree? Do I need any technical training for this type of job? And if I have all of the necessary requirements, what do I need to do in order to score an interview?
In the state of Florida, there is a state mandated Substitute Teacher course which is a possible primary requirement for Substitute Teaching. Depending on what county you live in, course requirements, educational requirements, and experience may vary.
One of the most common basic requirements is usually a completed Substitute Teacher certification course. Some counties in the state of Florida offer these courses directly through the local school board at various locations or even offer online course which will save you money and time. career options
A Substitute Teacher is not required to hold a bachelor’s degree in Education, however some school board districts in the state of Florida are asking that you possess a minimum of 60 college credits equivalent to an Associate’s Degree and hold 2.5-3.0 GPA on your official college transcripts. Educational and training requirement information specific to your county school board can be found at your local school board’s district office or at the official website.
Now that you have discovered whether you hold the necessary requirements in order to successfully submit your application, there may be a few additional tasks that you will need to complete such as an oral and written communications exam, criminal background check, fingerprints, and processing fees. Please check with your local school board office for these additional requirements.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Megalithic World - Exploring the World of Megaliths
A megalith is a term used to describe structures erected for ceremonial, astronomical, and religious purposes, and as monuments. Megalith building dates back to at least 5000 B.C. Many of the more famous megaliths were constructed between then and 1500 B.C.
These structures were built without the use of modern machinery, or even horses. The design of these structures strong mathematical and architectural skills for design and erection. Many megaliths served as sophisticated solar and lunar calendars, as well as for astronomical observations. Megaliths have been found all over the world. Faithful Mate for Women
There are five categories of megaliths. The first category is alignments, meaning stones placed in rows and other shapes other than circular. The second category were used as burial chambers and are underground chambers by a mound of some kind. Another category is monoliths, also called menhirs, made of single standing stones. Monument memorials built to gods or community leaders is another category. The last category is stone circles.
Some monoliths are formed naturally and gain mythical importance. In the Australian desert is one such example, Uluru. Also called Ayres Rock, this is the largest monolith in the world. It continues for more than three miles below the surface.
Stonehenge : Stonehenge is probably the most famous megalith in the world. It is between 4,000 and 5,000 years old and was built by the Neolithic people of Britain. Building it probably took 30 million hours of labor. Some of the stones used in the structure came from 240 miles away. Its exact use is unknown, but it is theorized that it was used as a temple or a graveyard. Simple astronomy was studied here. It is actually aligned with the place the sun rises on the summer solstice. Regain Your Virginity
The Newgrange Passage Tomb : Located in Ireland, the Newgrange tomb was probably built in 3,200 B.C., making it older than both Stonehenge and the pyramids in Egypt. A long passageway leads into a large chamber. On the winter solstice, light enters a roof box and lights the entire chamber. The large stone surrounding and inside the tombs are decorated with Megalithic art, including spirals, concentric circles, triangles, and other images.
Easter Island : Easter Island, one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world, has a series of over 900 giant statues erected over a span of 500 years. According to local folklore, these maoi are spirits of powerful ancestors. Once the center of ancestral worship, these giants are built on platforms called ahu. universities in india
Megaliths have captured our imagination. There have been several fantastical explanations for how they were built. Did the local people learn how to leviate rocks? Are they the product of UFO’s? Probably not, but there is still much to learn about these prehistoric structures and the societies that built them.
These structures were built without the use of modern machinery, or even horses. The design of these structures strong mathematical and architectural skills for design and erection. Many megaliths served as sophisticated solar and lunar calendars, as well as for astronomical observations. Megaliths have been found all over the world. Faithful Mate for Women
There are five categories of megaliths. The first category is alignments, meaning stones placed in rows and other shapes other than circular. The second category were used as burial chambers and are underground chambers by a mound of some kind. Another category is monoliths, also called menhirs, made of single standing stones. Monument memorials built to gods or community leaders is another category. The last category is stone circles.
Some monoliths are formed naturally and gain mythical importance. In the Australian desert is one such example, Uluru. Also called Ayres Rock, this is the largest monolith in the world. It continues for more than three miles below the surface.
Stonehenge : Stonehenge is probably the most famous megalith in the world. It is between 4,000 and 5,000 years old and was built by the Neolithic people of Britain. Building it probably took 30 million hours of labor. Some of the stones used in the structure came from 240 miles away. Its exact use is unknown, but it is theorized that it was used as a temple or a graveyard. Simple astronomy was studied here. It is actually aligned with the place the sun rises on the summer solstice. Regain Your Virginity
The Newgrange Passage Tomb : Located in Ireland, the Newgrange tomb was probably built in 3,200 B.C., making it older than both Stonehenge and the pyramids in Egypt. A long passageway leads into a large chamber. On the winter solstice, light enters a roof box and lights the entire chamber. The large stone surrounding and inside the tombs are decorated with Megalithic art, including spirals, concentric circles, triangles, and other images.
Easter Island : Easter Island, one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world, has a series of over 900 giant statues erected over a span of 500 years. According to local folklore, these maoi are spirits of powerful ancestors. Once the center of ancestral worship, these giants are built on platforms called ahu. universities in india
Megaliths have captured our imagination. There have been several fantastical explanations for how they were built. Did the local people learn how to leviate rocks? Are they the product of UFO’s? Probably not, but there is still much to learn about these prehistoric structures and the societies that built them.
How to Diagnosis Allergic Diseases
The severity of allergic diseases can range from being deadly or just annoying, depending on the type and extent of a person's sensitivity to a substance and the way the body reacts to its presence.
To diagnose an allergic disease, an allergist (doctor who specializes in treating allergies) will usually start with a detailed family history. Allergic diseases tend to run in families, so a family history of allergies is an important diagnostic clue. The allergist will also ask the patient about his or her symptoms as well as his or her living and working environment. For instance, if a patient notices a coughing, sneezing, and a stuffy nose whenever he or she is in a room with carpeting, the allergist will want to know that. Carpeting often harbors many different allergens that can make sensitive people sick. If the patient is experiencing digestive problems, the doctor will ask about his or her diet. If a patient is having skin reactions, the doctor will want to know about items the patient comes into contact with.
Next, depending on the patient's symptoms, the doctor may do a skin test. In this test, the patient bares his or her back or forearm and is exposed to a number of different well known allergens through a slight pin prick on the skin. The doctor observes any skin reactions the patient has and makes a note of them as well as the severity of the reaction. The doctor may also draw blood for further testing and, perhaps, have a chest x-ray taken. Natural Remedies for Colds
Another way of finding out about potential sensitivities, particularly when a food allergy is suspected, is avoidance testing. The doctor may prescribe a very strict diet, gradually adding in new foods until the patient has a reaction. If, for example, the patient is allergic to milk, he or she would have a reaction after ingesting something with milk in it. That reaction would tell the patient that he or she should not ingest milk products.
Of course, sometimes allergies are diagnosed during an emergency. Allergic attacks happen when the body's immune system overreacts to an ordinarily harmless substance and sometimes the overreaction can be life threatening. For instance, a small child might have a severe allergic attack after being exposed to peanuts or being stung by a bee. He or she might have had less intense reactions in the past, but the immune system "remembers" past attacks and prepares for them. The next attack might be much more severe, causing an anaphylaxis, which is a reaction that involves two or more body systems. The child would hopefully be rushed to a hospital, where a doctor would diagnose him or her with an allergy. light and dark corn syrup
There are so many different types of allergens and many of them can affect people in different ways. While some allergies just cause seasonal misery, others can be deadly. A visit to an allergist can literally be a lifesaver for those who are exceptionally sensitive to certain substances. But help from an allergist can also be a figurative lifesaver for those who just need help dealing with occasional mild allergies, too.
To diagnose an allergic disease, an allergist (doctor who specializes in treating allergies) will usually start with a detailed family history. Allergic diseases tend to run in families, so a family history of allergies is an important diagnostic clue. The allergist will also ask the patient about his or her symptoms as well as his or her living and working environment. For instance, if a patient notices a coughing, sneezing, and a stuffy nose whenever he or she is in a room with carpeting, the allergist will want to know that. Carpeting often harbors many different allergens that can make sensitive people sick. If the patient is experiencing digestive problems, the doctor will ask about his or her diet. If a patient is having skin reactions, the doctor will want to know about items the patient comes into contact with.
Next, depending on the patient's symptoms, the doctor may do a skin test. In this test, the patient bares his or her back or forearm and is exposed to a number of different well known allergens through a slight pin prick on the skin. The doctor observes any skin reactions the patient has and makes a note of them as well as the severity of the reaction. The doctor may also draw blood for further testing and, perhaps, have a chest x-ray taken. Natural Remedies for Colds
Another way of finding out about potential sensitivities, particularly when a food allergy is suspected, is avoidance testing. The doctor may prescribe a very strict diet, gradually adding in new foods until the patient has a reaction. If, for example, the patient is allergic to milk, he or she would have a reaction after ingesting something with milk in it. That reaction would tell the patient that he or she should not ingest milk products.
Of course, sometimes allergies are diagnosed during an emergency. Allergic attacks happen when the body's immune system overreacts to an ordinarily harmless substance and sometimes the overreaction can be life threatening. For instance, a small child might have a severe allergic attack after being exposed to peanuts or being stung by a bee. He or she might have had less intense reactions in the past, but the immune system "remembers" past attacks and prepares for them. The next attack might be much more severe, causing an anaphylaxis, which is a reaction that involves two or more body systems. The child would hopefully be rushed to a hospital, where a doctor would diagnose him or her with an allergy. light and dark corn syrup
There are so many different types of allergens and many of them can affect people in different ways. While some allergies just cause seasonal misery, others can be deadly. A visit to an allergist can literally be a lifesaver for those who are exceptionally sensitive to certain substances. But help from an allergist can also be a figurative lifesaver for those who just need help dealing with occasional mild allergies, too.
Drowning Symptoms Causes and Treatments
Drowning occurs when someone parishes by water suffocation. This of course can be applied to other liquids as well but is most common with water. Drowning and near drowning often occur to individuals who do not wish to enter the water, those who experience boating accidents, for example. Often when someone falls into cold water it can become incredibly dangerous.
An individual who is submerged into cold water can find themselves powerless over the extreme chilling effect that the cold water has on their body. Other instances occur even in shallow water. Children, for example, have been known to drown in wading pools, as well in their homes. In the US alone 5025 people drowned annually. school life easier
Drowning Symptoms
Drowning happens when H2O or other liquids are inhaled into the person's lungs. This often occurs when the individual is trying to gasp for air while attempting to stay afloat in the body of water they are in. When water makes its way into his air passage which travels to his lung, the larynx muscles will contract, thus preventing more water from entering into the lungs. But these very same contractions also deter air from entering lungs. Without air into the lungs the body will stop breathing, therefore you will lose consciousness and eventually die. When a person cannot swim they cannot prevent themselves from drowning, keeping afloat on the water surface. colleges and universities in india
Drowning Symptoms Treatment
Methods of rescue: Persons who are trained in rescue and techniques in water should attempt to swim to the drowning individual. In many cases rescuers struggle with the victim, in which the victim ends up pulling the rescuer underwater, then putting him at risk. If the individual is near, you could reach out with a fishing pole, or even a tree branch. If there are no items like this around, you could get a hold of an object that is secure to the ground and attempt to reach out to the victim. If the person is at a further distance, attempt to toss a flotation device i.e. life jacket, for the victim to stay afloat with.
Drowning Causes Diagnosis
Giving first aid: If the victim when rescued has stopped breathing, they should receive artificial respiration, otherwise known as rescue breathing, ASAP. The individual who's giving the artificial respiration must ensure that he does not give up to quickly. There have been people who have been trapped in freezing cold water for more than an hour and have been saved through the use of artificial respiration.
An individual who is submerged into cold water can find themselves powerless over the extreme chilling effect that the cold water has on their body. Other instances occur even in shallow water. Children, for example, have been known to drown in wading pools, as well in their homes. In the US alone 5025 people drowned annually. school life easier
Drowning Symptoms
Drowning happens when H2O or other liquids are inhaled into the person's lungs. This often occurs when the individual is trying to gasp for air while attempting to stay afloat in the body of water they are in. When water makes its way into his air passage which travels to his lung, the larynx muscles will contract, thus preventing more water from entering into the lungs. But these very same contractions also deter air from entering lungs. Without air into the lungs the body will stop breathing, therefore you will lose consciousness and eventually die. When a person cannot swim they cannot prevent themselves from drowning, keeping afloat on the water surface. colleges and universities in india
Drowning Symptoms Treatment
Methods of rescue: Persons who are trained in rescue and techniques in water should attempt to swim to the drowning individual. In many cases rescuers struggle with the victim, in which the victim ends up pulling the rescuer underwater, then putting him at risk. If the individual is near, you could reach out with a fishing pole, or even a tree branch. If there are no items like this around, you could get a hold of an object that is secure to the ground and attempt to reach out to the victim. If the person is at a further distance, attempt to toss a flotation device i.e. life jacket, for the victim to stay afloat with.
Drowning Causes Diagnosis
Giving first aid: If the victim when rescued has stopped breathing, they should receive artificial respiration, otherwise known as rescue breathing, ASAP. The individual who's giving the artificial respiration must ensure that he does not give up to quickly. There have been people who have been trapped in freezing cold water for more than an hour and have been saved through the use of artificial respiration.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Distance Learning Courses Organize Study Time
It is very important to be organized when you are planning your study time for distance learning courses. You may not have a teacher that will look at you face to face and ask if you have been studying so you might have to do more on your own. Consider the following strategies.
Decide how much study time you need
You want to make sure to give yourself enough time to study for your distance learning courses. Just because it is distance learning courses does not mean that it should not be taken seriously. If you are not sure of how long something will take, then give yourself extra time so that you may finish early but you will not run out of time.
Make sure that you do not procrastinate and then cram
Just like it is important to avoid procrastination when taking classes in a traditional program, it is important to do so with distance learning. Once you know about how much time you want to study, you will want to make sure that you plan time well in advance. For instance, If you feel that you need five hours to study for a test you might not want to plan it all for the day before the test. It can be difficult to study for that long in a row, and you might have trouble absorbing it all or staying efficient. Instead you might want to spread it into two days, three days or whatever you feel that you need.
Study at the times that you are most efficient and effective
If you are a morning person, then make your study time then and the same goes for if you are a night person. You want to be able to absorb the material as much as possible, and you should do it when you are at your best. Also consider when you can get some quiet time without distractions. It can be difficult to study in a crowded house, for instance, and you might want to choose times when you are alone.
Write out your study schedule
No matter what you plan to study, if you do not write it down, you might forget what you had planned. You can get a calendar to specifically write down your study time. Also, you should keep track of the progress you are making and adjust your schedule as necessary. For instance, if you only get half of what you had hoped done, then you should schedule more time.
If you are organized with your study time for your distance learning courses, you may be more successful in your classes. Consider the above tips for organizing this.
Decide how much study time you need
You want to make sure to give yourself enough time to study for your distance learning courses. Just because it is distance learning courses does not mean that it should not be taken seriously. If you are not sure of how long something will take, then give yourself extra time so that you may finish early but you will not run out of time.
Make sure that you do not procrastinate and then cram
Just like it is important to avoid procrastination when taking classes in a traditional program, it is important to do so with distance learning. Once you know about how much time you want to study, you will want to make sure that you plan time well in advance. For instance, If you feel that you need five hours to study for a test you might not want to plan it all for the day before the test. It can be difficult to study for that long in a row, and you might have trouble absorbing it all or staying efficient. Instead you might want to spread it into two days, three days or whatever you feel that you need.
Study at the times that you are most efficient and effective
If you are a morning person, then make your study time then and the same goes for if you are a night person. You want to be able to absorb the material as much as possible, and you should do it when you are at your best. Also consider when you can get some quiet time without distractions. It can be difficult to study in a crowded house, for instance, and you might want to choose times when you are alone.
Write out your study schedule
No matter what you plan to study, if you do not write it down, you might forget what you had planned. You can get a calendar to specifically write down your study time. Also, you should keep track of the progress you are making and adjust your schedule as necessary. For instance, if you only get half of what you had hoped done, then you should schedule more time.
If you are organized with your study time for your distance learning courses, you may be more successful in your classes. Consider the above tips for organizing this.
Fashion Tips for Vegans
We’ve heard it all, but this one is very NEW. Many people have complained throughout the years about clothing made out of animal skins, such as snakes, crocodiles, leopards…etc. Well, this time, these animal rights protectors will have a special clothing line just for them, and this should be encouraged to expend to the point where we only have vegetarian shopping guide, fashion for vegans, or organic vegan fashion. You can participate even if you eat meat, but cruelty to the point of ripping the animal’s skin to wear it, is horrifying if you go deep and think about the actual process of that action. Online Education India
You have several websites to shop online for vegan clothing, online vegan shoes, and online vegan brands. You could try,,, and, which are only a few amongst the places to purchase from. This new trend is not about to stop, but it’s ravishing the market, slowly, but surely for vegetarian shopping guide. If you prefer going to real life stores, you have “Cosmo’s Vegan Shoppe” in Marietta, GA, also Crystalynkae stores in various areas, such as San Diego, Denver, Atlanta, Washington DC, and Massachusetts. You could also buy their vegan handbags online and vegan clothes shoes at There will be a Vegan Fall Fashion Show 2010 held in Albany, New York this October 2nd at 1:30pm for the Vegan Expo.
Prestigious Study Center
This will be the first time for the Vaute Couture, as they call it with a “V” on purpose instead of “H”, to show everything fromclothing , handbags, hair products, and make-up. They use different fibers, and even recycled bottles. It is a great opportunity to prove to you that you can live without hurting animals for alternative clothing vegan. I mean imagine the animals doing that to us to look pretty, does that sound fair to you? I don’t think so. Some ways need to change and this is a revolutionary action, which is huge to influence the world and open our eyes about the fact that the clothes we buy might be gorgeous, but at what price? Go Vegan, and stay there is the path to compassion, friendliness, and true beauty. How to Make Your School Life Easier
Some of you might be happier when purchasing a cruelty-free product, and not have a guilty conscious afterwards. I guess we get carried away and not care much as life goes by, but this awareness is a wake-up call for all of us. We can look sexy, be attractive, and hot without necessarily wearing blood on our skins. Think about it for a second!
You have several websites to shop online for vegan clothing, online vegan shoes, and online vegan brands. You could try,,, and, which are only a few amongst the places to purchase from. This new trend is not about to stop, but it’s ravishing the market, slowly, but surely for vegetarian shopping guide. If you prefer going to real life stores, you have “Cosmo’s Vegan Shoppe” in Marietta, GA, also Crystalynkae stores in various areas, such as San Diego, Denver, Atlanta, Washington DC, and Massachusetts. You could also buy their vegan handbags online and vegan clothes shoes at There will be a Vegan Fall Fashion Show 2010 held in Albany, New York this October 2nd at 1:30pm for the Vegan Expo.
Prestigious Study Center
This will be the first time for the Vaute Couture, as they call it with a “V” on purpose instead of “H”, to show everything fromclothing , handbags, hair products, and make-up. They use different fibers, and even recycled bottles. It is a great opportunity to prove to you that you can live without hurting animals for alternative clothing vegan. I mean imagine the animals doing that to us to look pretty, does that sound fair to you? I don’t think so. Some ways need to change and this is a revolutionary action, which is huge to influence the world and open our eyes about the fact that the clothes we buy might be gorgeous, but at what price? Go Vegan, and stay there is the path to compassion, friendliness, and true beauty. How to Make Your School Life Easier
Some of you might be happier when purchasing a cruelty-free product, and not have a guilty conscious afterwards. I guess we get carried away and not care much as life goes by, but this awareness is a wake-up call for all of us. We can look sexy, be attractive, and hot without necessarily wearing blood on our skins. Think about it for a second!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Top MBA Schools - Are They Really Worked Out
As per the surveys and recorded data of MBA admissions and enrollments by the students has introduced an interesting graph of management schools and institutes. As India is one of the biggest countries of the world with twenty seven states and seven unions comprises number of MBA schools and colleges have reputation and brand name worldwide. Like Delhi University, IIM, XLRI of Jamshedpur, S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research, XIM of Bhubaneswar and many more. As per data and analysis western India comprises four MBA schools out of top 10 India’s MBA colleges. On other hand northern India comprises two of India’s top 10 business schools. But there are some ranking position that definitely shocked us like Symbiosis SCMHR, with highly expectations and respectable 25th rank overall where Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies positioned no. 10 and S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research positioned overall no. 9. These two mumbai mba institutes really did their home work by capturing education market. Previously this no. 9 and no. 10 position had captured by DMS and IIFT, mba institutes of Delhi.
Rest of the top mba schools remain on the captured position with Indian Institute of Management – IIM of Ahmedabad at the top followed closely by Indian Institute of Management of Bangalore and Calcutta. All these changing position depicts the ever changing interest of management students of India. Mumbai’s L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management jumped from 43 position in last year to 16 position in this year. Where as XLRI of Jamshedpur and XIM of Bhubaneswar behinds the most in this regard. If we talk about IIM it remains on the top not only in domestic but also in globally list because of UK and US publications that only consider those b schools that have listed with an Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. On following this now, IIM-C is eyeing on such an accreditation to get a status of accredited mba programs. This is first mba institute to show such types of interest on global basis. If IIM of Calcutta gets such accreditation then it may possible for other IIMs to with stand for the same. All these efforts of IIM will strike the interest of foreign students regarding mba admission in Indian top mba schools. This further adds outstanding shine on the board of IIM.
All these top rated accredited mba colleges and universities have played an important role for the students in getting high salary package jobs. Not only from India and but in foreign countries students with good and A grade academic records always keen to start their career with world leading companies for their better career and future prospects.
Below is the list of top MBA ranking schools worldwide offer quality education in various management themes,
• London Business School
• Harvard Business School
• Stanford University GSB
• Columbia Business School
• IE Business School
• University of Chicago
• Indian School of Business
• Yale School of Management
• HEC Paris
• Esade Business School
• University of Cambridge
• Ceibs
• Northwestern University
• Rotterdam School of Management
• Nanyang Business School
All these MBA schools and colleges have gained an excellence in providing top rated mba courses to students visit from different sections of the world. As management education includes the study of international behavior in respect of business and competition analysis. Therefore, there are many colleges and universities offer management studies but only few of them really work out for students, for their career and future prospects.
Rest of the top mba schools remain on the captured position with Indian Institute of Management – IIM of Ahmedabad at the top followed closely by Indian Institute of Management of Bangalore and Calcutta. All these changing position depicts the ever changing interest of management students of India. Mumbai’s L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management jumped from 43 position in last year to 16 position in this year. Where as XLRI of Jamshedpur and XIM of Bhubaneswar behinds the most in this regard. If we talk about IIM it remains on the top not only in domestic but also in globally list because of UK and US publications that only consider those b schools that have listed with an Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. On following this now, IIM-C is eyeing on such an accreditation to get a status of accredited mba programs. This is first mba institute to show such types of interest on global basis. If IIM of Calcutta gets such accreditation then it may possible for other IIMs to with stand for the same. All these efforts of IIM will strike the interest of foreign students regarding mba admission in Indian top mba schools. This further adds outstanding shine on the board of IIM.
All these top rated accredited mba colleges and universities have played an important role for the students in getting high salary package jobs. Not only from India and but in foreign countries students with good and A grade academic records always keen to start their career with world leading companies for their better career and future prospects.
Below is the list of top MBA ranking schools worldwide offer quality education in various management themes,
• London Business School
• Harvard Business School
• Stanford University GSB
• Columbia Business School
• IE Business School
• University of Chicago
• Indian School of Business
• Yale School of Management
• HEC Paris
• Esade Business School
• University of Cambridge
• Ceibs
• Northwestern University
• Rotterdam School of Management
• Nanyang Business School
All these MBA schools and colleges have gained an excellence in providing top rated mba courses to students visit from different sections of the world. As management education includes the study of international behavior in respect of business and competition analysis. Therefore, there are many colleges and universities offer management studies but only few of them really work out for students, for their career and future prospects.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Distance Education Universities Brings Revolution Ideas for Students
There are many factors that should be considered before choosing the mode of education. For students it is very important to get consult with their parents before enrolling with any degree courses. Sometimes financial condition, family pressure and business profession do not allow them to continue with regular colleges and universities. As a result student has to join distance education or online mode of education. No matter which mode of education you choose the most matter is your knowledge and your way of expressing yourself. Distance education and online degrees make the world changed with their different trends of offering education. From the comfort of your own remote location, you can receive a degree from a traditional accredited college or university and earn a certification, bachelor, master's or doctorate degree or complete your higher education via the Internet. In these days many universities have come up with their updated trends of education and latest course content. These distance education courses brings freedom of time and location for the students who do not able to attend regular colleges and university.
For distance learning courses, student only needs to fill his or her admission form and pass through a simple entrance exam that gives an entry to required college or university. Especially in developing countries where students have to follow their family instructions or businesses, there these distance education courses plays an important role for students who can now pursue their higher education and boost their career and future prospects. Even many foreign universities and colleges offer education from distance education centers in India through the way of collaboration. These distance education universities of foreign countries really work out for developing countries where students need to put efforts in their education but due to lack of quality education they compelled to move outside countries even they are denied by their parents.
In last few years as per the recorded data and facts huge number of young generation moved to develop countries from their home town in search of quality education and jobs. Like, students from India are finding their way towards UK, Australia, US, Canada for quality education as well as jobs. Somehow, In india there are many universities and colleges offering quality education but students with low percentage and those who fail to find their career in India usually find it easy to settle in abroad. With these foreign distance education universities many students from developing countries find it easy to have quality education at their home town. Universities like Ashford University, Abilene Christian University, American College of Education, Bay Path College, Benedictine University, Brandeis University, California InterContinental University, California State University Northridge, Capella University, Central Michigan University, Champlain College, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Concord Law School, Creighton University are some of the colleges and universities that offers distance as well as online education at international level. Flexibility is one of the main advantages with these colleges and universities to grab the market as compared to regular colleges. Therefore, take the first step toward a new career options or give your current career a boost with distance education degree programs.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Distance Education Courses with Flexible Study Options
In this competitive world, there are many students who are no able to attend their regular classes or colleges as may be due to financial problems, family problem, not able to leave home tome, due to job or business. All these points put students behind from their higher education, where they cannot be able to continue with their further education. To overcome with these kinds of problem distance education brings different types of revolutionary ideas for distance students to carry with their education without leaving job or business professionals. Students those who cannot make regular visit to their colleges can go through distance education courses tat provides wide variety of courses in a very easy and outstanding manner. Here, students need to fill admission for entry and at examination time they need to be present in nearby center of affiliated university or college. Like Delhi University in India offers number of distance learning courses through their affiliated colleges and universities. Apart from Delhi Universities there are many universities in India that offers different types of courses through distance education. These all means distance education is one of the favorable and popular mode of degree that most of students will prefer to have for their career achievements.
In these distance education courses students get many benefits like
• Flexibility of time and location,
• Not to change daily life schedule,
• Social responsibilities can be carried out along with the studies,
• Low fees structure
• Hand on experience along with studies
• Student friendly education environment
• Easy to handle study load
Above are some of the points that make distance education as one of the favorable mode of education for higher and college students. In now days many new foreign universities have come up with their distance education courses that they want to launch across the world in collaboration with other universities and colleges. Like in US and UK many new universities have choose their way towards India for starting their distance education campuses for students who are not able to get abroad studies, somehow can go through abroad education through these distance centers of abroad universities.
Distance education universities like Alagappa University, Annamalai University, Anna University Coimbatore, Bangalore University, Delhi University, GGSIU DODE, IGNOU, Kurukshetra University, Osmania University, Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, Thapar University and more all are famous for offering wide verities of distance education programs of international level. They have gained an excellence in providing quality education with distance mode of education. You will find distance center of these universities in all over India and some of them have already achieved their presence across the world where they offered distance education to all types of students from different countries and from all major discipline including technology, engineering, science, commerce, arts, medical, architecture, real estate, media and communication along with latest course content, international study environment, experienced faculties and mainly internship and recruitment programs. Al these universities have tie up with all world leading companies where they will give chance to their students to start their career with leading MNCs of the world.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Online Degree Courses with Changing Trends of Education
Education plays a pivotal role in progress of any country. Education is must for every nation and every nation should pay more attention to the impletion of education. In today’s world, education is offered in various forms such as regular courses, correspondence courses and online courses. Online courses are very recent form of education which provides lots of traditional as well as professional courses online.
Online courses are offered at many levels like online associate degree, online bachelor degree, online master degree, online doctoral degree, online art degrees, online science degree, online commerce degree, online technical degree, online mba degree and many more. Online Degree Courses are offered in many subjects like history, geography, English etc. For an Online Degree Course you should have a higher secondary in a concerned subject. However, the eligibility for an online degree course may differ from institute to institute offering the online degree course. You can pursue another course while studying online degree course. If you are a professional working in an organization, you can upgrade your skills by enrolling into an online degree course of your interest or areas of work. Online degree courses are also helpful for all people who want to upgrade their skills for a better professional life.
Online Master Degrees are also offered in various subjects like English, history, geography, political science etc. If you are willing to earn online master degree in a subject of your choice, you should have a bachelor degree in the concerned subject or a higher degree from a recognized university. Online Science Degrees are offered for those who are eager to make a bright career in the scientific area. Online Science Degrees are offered in various scientific subjects like biochemistry, forensic science, oceanography etc at various levels- online associate degree in scientific subjects, online Bachelor of Science, online Master of Science etc. For an online associate degree in science you should have a high school, for an online Bachelor of Science degree a higher secondary with science subjects, for an online Master of Science degree you should have a Bachelor of Science degree in the concerned subject and so on.
Online MBA Degrees are offered in various management subjects like Online MBA in Accounting, Online MBA in Human Resource, Online MBA in Financial Management and many more. You must have a bachelor degree from a recognized subject for earning an Online MBA Degree in subject of your choice or for an Online General MBA Degree.
Top MBA Programs Ranking Position
In this fashionable world numbers of degree courses and certification programs have come up with latest course contents. Many world known colleges and universities of different countries have put up different courses and degree programs in their course menu in order to become compatible with ever changing world economy and needs of the fashionable students. MBA in health science, criminal justice, and management in real estate, mba in telecommunication and many more are some of the favorable example of changing trends of education. Earning master degree is now become the need of every students or professional from different fields whether my be from medical, arts, fashion, law or commerce master of business administration makes student more capable and brings more maturity in the students to understand the international trends and business tactics at the international level. These mba programs brings you with non of the other managerial skills and business expertise that helps you in proving yourself as one of the efficient managers of your company. MBA programs of different categories will also launch you into the much higher pay packages that upper level of managers and executives. For higher package jobs with interesting and challenging work processes and extensive responsibilities it is very important to have mba degree in the pocket.
In these days numbers of top notch universities and colleges have come up with latest mba programs and management degree and doctoral level courses for students from all over the world. As per the business week, below are the list of top 20 MBA ranking position,
a) University of Pennsylvania of Wharton
b) Northwestern University of Kellogg
c) Harvard University
d) Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Sloan
e) Duke University of Fuqua
f) Columbia University
g) Cornell University of Johnson
h) University of Virginia of Darden
i) Stanford University
j) University of California (Los Angeles) in Anderson
k) New York University of Stern
l) Carnegie Mellon University
m) University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) in Kenan
n) Dartmouth College of Tuck
o) University of Texas (Austin)
p) University of California (Berkeley) in Haas
q) Xavier University of Williams COB
r) Indiana University (Bloomington)
s) University of Rochester in Simon
t) Washington University of Olin
All these colleges and universities have gained an excellence in providing world class management degree in all major discipline. Students with A grade academic records always keen to seek an admission in these top mba colleges and universities. Getting an admission to these world known mba centers is not an big task for these top rates students only need to fill admission form and get high percentile that enables them an entry to these management education centers of the world. Apart from these, distance mba is also another way to secure your future after getting distance mba degree from any of the well reputed and prominent distance mba center. Apart from these, executive mba programs, part time mba programs, online mba programs and many more management programs are offered by top mbs colleges and universities of the world.
1 University of Pennsylvania of Wharton
2 Northwestern University of Kellogg
3 Harvard University
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Sloan
5 Duke University of Fuqua
6 Columbia University
7 Cornell University of Johnson
8 University of Virginia of Darden
9 Stanford University
10 University of California (Los Angeles) in Anderson
11 New York University of Stern
12 Carnegie Mellon University
13 University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) in Kenan
14 Dartmouth College of Tuck
15 University of Texas (Austin)
16 University of California (Berkeley) in Haas
17 Xavier University of Williams COB
18 Indiana University (Bloomington)
19 University of Rochester in Simon
20 Washington University of Olin
21 University of Southern California in Marshall
22 Purdue University of Krannert
23 Georgetown University in McDonough
24 University of Maryland (College Park) in Smith
25 Emory University of Goizueta
26 Michigan State University of Broad
27 Georgia Institute of Technology of Dupree
28 College of William and Mary
29 Arizona State University (Main Campus)
30 Boston University
31 Ohio State University of Fisher
32 Pennsylvania State University in Smeal
33 Babson College of Olin
34 University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
35 University of Wisconsin in Madison
36 University of Pittsburgh in Katz
37 University of Notre Dame
38 University of Iowa
39 Rice University of Jones
40 University of Georgia in Terry
41 University of Florida
42 University of California (Irvine)
43 Southern Methodist University of Cox
44 Thunderbird School of Global Management in Thunderbird
45 University of California (Davis)
46 American University of Kogod
47 University of Washington
48 Boston College of Carroll
49 University of Tennessee (Knoxville)
50 Brigham Young University of Marriott
51 University of South Carolina in Moore
52 University of Miami
53 Clark Atlanta University
54 Syracuse University
55 Rutgers University (New Brunswick and Newark)
56 Texas A&M University (College Station) in Mays
57 Tulane University of Freeman
58 University at Buffalo (SUNY)
59 George Washington University
60 University of Arizona in Eller
61 Case Western Reserve University of Weatherhead
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Good Choices for Online Degree Courses
Alternative education for children is vital in an education system where there is not much of choice. In Sri Lanka the rigidity in teaching English language is due to lack of creative teachers and therefore classroom teaching of English has become a difficult task for many teachers. If a survey done in the country one could identify that language teachers lack proper English. There is a dearth of English teachers and more than that creative teaching is not visible in any of the institutions that teach English language for the teachers. Thus the quality of English has dropped drastically despite numerous tuition classes around the country. What solution is available at this critical moment to enhance the standard of teaching English? online mba degrees
The only alternative we could see is that to employ drama trained teachers with good English to conduct English language classes. Drama could be seen as an alternative to language teaching with voice practice, expressions, dialog reading, script writing and performing, however, the authorities have failed to see this aspect and still rely on those students who enter teacher's colleges with minimal understanding on the creative aspect of English language education.
It has to be mentioned that there are private tutors who are qualified in speech and drama and conduct classes for international examinations but they do not want to engage themselves in government schools for a meager salary. The authorities have failed to look into this matter and employ competent teachers for higher salaries to develop alternative education in the country. In Sri Lanka English theatre is a powerful arena even though it has a limited audience, an audience that is well acquainted with foreign plays and are fully aware of the language styles employed by different playwrights. Therefore, the government has all the opportunity to employ the English theatre dramatists in Sri Lanka to conduct English language teaching creating a different environment in the sphere of education. Thus a choice will be opened for the children to be creative as well as to make themselves move with the language without much difficulty as the dramatist will know how the speech practice should be conducted. jobs in india
It is evident that the small number of speech and drama specialists in the country will not be able to conduct classes for all the schools but at least they could conduct classes in the Teachers Colleges and make those come to qualify as teachers to realize that teaching English is not mere teaching grammar and giving writing practice, instead, to make the child to converse in the language without any blocks. Here, there is a demand to make the classroom active which most of the principals do not like in this country. If a classroom is noisy the principals have a negative feeling towards that class which is psychologically wrong as the child needs to be active to learn. The Victorian type classrooms and the prison-type confinement of children in the class means still the country is in archaic teaching practices and have not attempted in altering or changing the conditions for the child to learn creatively and actively. Therefore, the learning-teaching process has become, especially, in the language classroom a bleak experience.
Changing of attitudes of the educationists is one of the important aspects in having good choices for alternative education. In a developing world with all the modern technology language teaching requires new methods through internet facility. This, too, is a good choice since in most houses the internet facility is available and children engage in browsing and conversing with their friends through skype and in other meeting sites. Therefore, if the authorities provide adequate computers with internet facility, the teachers in English could creatively engage making the children to explore into areas that even the text book cannot highlight on. For instance, writing letters could be practiced through emails. Further, studies on nature is easy by locating the places as videos and snapshots are available in the internet. The child will receive a good knowledge on the world of which he needs to communicate with others. accelerated online degrees
First and foremost, it is suggested that an openness in the minds of the authorities should be visible in order to make the children in the country to be explorers of the world. Language classroom is a place where peace studies could be activated. A country like Sri Lanka needs its classrooms to be multicultural classrooms in order to build peace among communities as the country experienced a three decade long civil war. The ethnic harmony depends on how far the country's education could contribute towards it. As we know in every school there is a mixture of ethnicities and that is a good resource for the language classrooms to bring out language styles, meanings, interpretations, and then to see the identity of each language with its cultural patterns. Each language has its cultural roots and such cultural norms are good choices as alternative educational approaches in making students to appreciate the identities of the 'Other' or to accept the diversity. There will be humor, drama and reconciliation through multi-linguistic approaches in the language classroom.
Here, there is a vital point for the policy-makers in the country to see that education is given to the children appreciating the diversity of the languages, their cultural patterns, linguistic roots and social harmony. A country that is engulfed in racial differences need to think on this good choice for alternative development in education so that the future of the country will not see any conflicts on racial grounds.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Disney's China Pavilion at Epcot
China can be an educational challenge for a number of reasons. It’s on the other side of the world, the language and culture are completely different from ours, and its Communist dictatorship has hampered the free flow of information. Yet China’s contributions to humankind are many, from kite-flying to gunpowder. A nation that large with that rich a history simply must be studied.
Although today’s China is more accessible than ever (I visited Hong Kong two years ago), there are easier ways to get a feel for the Middle Kingdom. Visiting a Chinatown in any major city would be one way. But let’s examine a more systematic way: the China Pavilion in World Showcase at the Epcot theme park at Walt Disney World, Florida. online degrees
The most striking aspect of any World Showcase pavilion is the nation’s architecture, and China is no exception, with the emphasis on Beijing’s Imperial Palace (or Forbidden City) and Temple of Heaven park. Enter by passing through the Gate of the Golden Sun. This example was based on a gate at the emperor’s summer palace near Beijing. The dominant feature is the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, an imperial prayer temple. Remember that many people would literally live from harvest to harvest throughout most of history; this temple is where the emperor would go to pray for an upcoming harvest or give thanks for a recent one. This would provide a good introduction to both Chinese agriculture and its historical system of government. Online Psychology Degrees For centuries Chinese farmers struggled to feed a growing population. Further, they were at the mercy of the rivers, particularly the Yellow and the Yangtze. Regarding government, what were the duties of the emperor? Chinese history is divided into dynasties; what is a dynasty? Which dynasties are most remembered and why?
The agricultural theme continues into the hall’s interior, with the four center columns standing for the annual seasons. The twelve exterior columns represent the year’s twelve months and also the twelve-year cycle the Chinese live by. In Chinese design, circles define the heavens and squares represent the earth - together they form the universe; this repeats throughout the building. Notice the predominance of the colors red and yellow; they represent happiness and the emperor, respectively. Disney theme parks are famous for their attention to detail. In this case, look up and examine the medallion insert in the top of the prayer hall. The dragon represents power and the phoenix peace and prosperity; together they symbolize marriage. online education degrees
Inside is the pavilion’s attraction, “Reflections of China“, a fourteen-minute, three-hundred-sixty-degree film that takes you on a journey across the country. This version is actually an update of “Wonders of China”, which ran from the pavilion’s opening in 1982 until 2003 (and which I liked better, but nothing lasts forever). The movie’s host is the 8th-century poet Li Bai, who wrote approximately 1100 poems and traveled extensively throughout China for much of his life. By the way, if you feel squeezed when you exit the theater, you’re right. The “Street of Good Fortune” exit corridor was intentionally designed to be too small to give some idea of what walking along a typically crowded Chinese street would feel like.
“Reflections of China” gives a good microcosm of the country’s people, culture and history, and leads to many questions. Why was the Great Wall built? Why did the emperor live in a “Forbidden City”? What places would you like to visit someday? And Li Bai’s poetry is available on the Internet (although I’m guessing much of the artistry gets lost in translation).
Mention Chinese and many Americans immediately think of food. There are two authentic Chinese eateries, the full-menu Nine Dragons Restaurant and the Lotus Blossom CafĂ©, which at the time of this writing was serving egg rolls and vegetable lo mein. There is some noteworthy detail built into the roof of the Nine Dragons. Decorative figures on Chinese rooftops do have meanings. In this instance, there is a row of animal figures. The man seated on the hen symbolizes Prince Min, a third-century tyrant who was hanged for his cruelty. He serves as a warning to like tyrants, and the other animals are there to keep him from escaping. This is a good opportunity to compare Chinese and Western cuisine. It’s been said the Chinese will eat anything with four legs except a table and anything with wings except an airplane. What menu items do you find unusual?
In addition to these highlights, other aspects of Chinese culture are on display. Before entering, notice the gardens and reflecting ponds. How does the landscaping compare to private gardens in your area? How about public parks? Several shops feature authentic Chinese goods. What’s on sale that you’ve never seen anywhere else? Look around and see what art might be on display. At this time, exhibits include authentic tomb sculptures that date back 2,000 years and a miniature recreation of the tomb of China's first emperor. Also look on the show schedules for authentic street performances. Be conscious of the music, be it during a live performance or in the background. How does it sound to you? online social science degrees
Finally, one advantage of World Showcase is that having pavilions of eleven major countries around one lagoon invites comparisons. Moving clockwise, the Japan Pavilion is only four locations away. Compare China’s Gate of the Golden Sun with Japan’s torii gate at the edge of the lagoon. Contrast the round Chinese temple with the square Japanese pagoda. Isn’t it amazing how two cultures from the same part of the world can be so different?
Although today’s China is more accessible than ever (I visited Hong Kong two years ago), there are easier ways to get a feel for the Middle Kingdom. Visiting a Chinatown in any major city would be one way. But let’s examine a more systematic way: the China Pavilion in World Showcase at the Epcot theme park at Walt Disney World, Florida. online degrees
The most striking aspect of any World Showcase pavilion is the nation’s architecture, and China is no exception, with the emphasis on Beijing’s Imperial Palace (or Forbidden City) and Temple of Heaven park. Enter by passing through the Gate of the Golden Sun. This example was based on a gate at the emperor’s summer palace near Beijing. The dominant feature is the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, an imperial prayer temple. Remember that many people would literally live from harvest to harvest throughout most of history; this temple is where the emperor would go to pray for an upcoming harvest or give thanks for a recent one. This would provide a good introduction to both Chinese agriculture and its historical system of government. Online Psychology Degrees For centuries Chinese farmers struggled to feed a growing population. Further, they were at the mercy of the rivers, particularly the Yellow and the Yangtze. Regarding government, what were the duties of the emperor? Chinese history is divided into dynasties; what is a dynasty? Which dynasties are most remembered and why?
The agricultural theme continues into the hall’s interior, with the four center columns standing for the annual seasons. The twelve exterior columns represent the year’s twelve months and also the twelve-year cycle the Chinese live by. In Chinese design, circles define the heavens and squares represent the earth - together they form the universe; this repeats throughout the building. Notice the predominance of the colors red and yellow; they represent happiness and the emperor, respectively. Disney theme parks are famous for their attention to detail. In this case, look up and examine the medallion insert in the top of the prayer hall. The dragon represents power and the phoenix peace and prosperity; together they symbolize marriage. online education degrees
Inside is the pavilion’s attraction, “Reflections of China“, a fourteen-minute, three-hundred-sixty-degree film that takes you on a journey across the country. This version is actually an update of “Wonders of China”, which ran from the pavilion’s opening in 1982 until 2003 (and which I liked better, but nothing lasts forever). The movie’s host is the 8th-century poet Li Bai, who wrote approximately 1100 poems and traveled extensively throughout China for much of his life. By the way, if you feel squeezed when you exit the theater, you’re right. The “Street of Good Fortune” exit corridor was intentionally designed to be too small to give some idea of what walking along a typically crowded Chinese street would feel like.
“Reflections of China” gives a good microcosm of the country’s people, culture and history, and leads to many questions. Why was the Great Wall built? Why did the emperor live in a “Forbidden City”? What places would you like to visit someday? And Li Bai’s poetry is available on the Internet (although I’m guessing much of the artistry gets lost in translation).
Mention Chinese and many Americans immediately think of food. There are two authentic Chinese eateries, the full-menu Nine Dragons Restaurant and the Lotus Blossom CafĂ©, which at the time of this writing was serving egg rolls and vegetable lo mein. There is some noteworthy detail built into the roof of the Nine Dragons. Decorative figures on Chinese rooftops do have meanings. In this instance, there is a row of animal figures. The man seated on the hen symbolizes Prince Min, a third-century tyrant who was hanged for his cruelty. He serves as a warning to like tyrants, and the other animals are there to keep him from escaping. This is a good opportunity to compare Chinese and Western cuisine. It’s been said the Chinese will eat anything with four legs except a table and anything with wings except an airplane. What menu items do you find unusual?
In addition to these highlights, other aspects of Chinese culture are on display. Before entering, notice the gardens and reflecting ponds. How does the landscaping compare to private gardens in your area? How about public parks? Several shops feature authentic Chinese goods. What’s on sale that you’ve never seen anywhere else? Look around and see what art might be on display. At this time, exhibits include authentic tomb sculptures that date back 2,000 years and a miniature recreation of the tomb of China's first emperor. Also look on the show schedules for authentic street performances. Be conscious of the music, be it during a live performance or in the background. How does it sound to you? online social science degrees
Finally, one advantage of World Showcase is that having pavilions of eleven major countries around one lagoon invites comparisons. Moving clockwise, the Japan Pavilion is only four locations away. Compare China’s Gate of the Golden Sun with Japan’s torii gate at the edge of the lagoon. Contrast the round Chinese temple with the square Japanese pagoda. Isn’t it amazing how two cultures from the same part of the world can be so different?
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